
Map.svg.svelte component

Generates an SVG map using the geoPath function from d3-geo.

Param Default Required Description
projection Function None
A D3 projection function. Pass this in as an uncalled function, e.g. projection={geoAlbersUsa}.
fixedAspectRatio Number None
By default, the map fills to fit the $width and $height. If instead you want a fixed-aspect ratio, like for a server-side rendered map, set that here.
fill String None
The shape's fill color. By default, the fill will be determined by the z-scale, unless this prop is set.
stroke String '#333'
The shape's stroke color.
strokeWidth Number 0.5
The shape's stroke width.
features Array None
A list of GeoJSON features. Use this if you want to draw a subset of the features in $data while keeping the zoom on the whole GeoJSON feature set. By default, it plots everything in $data.features if left unset.

Used in these examples:

SSR Examples:

  Generates an SVG map using the `geoPath` function from [d3-geo](
  import { getContext, createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
  import { geoPath } from 'd3-geo';
  import { raise } from 'layercake';

  const { data, width, height, zGet } = getContext('LayerCake');

  /** @type {Function} projection - A D3 projection function. Pass this in as an uncalled function, e.g. `projection={geoAlbersUsa}`. */
  export let projection;

  /** @type {Number} [fixedAspectRatio] - By default, the map fills to fit the $width and $height. If instead you want a fixed-aspect ratio, like for a server-side rendered map, set that here. */
  export let fixedAspectRatio = undefined;

  /** @type {String} [fill] - The shape's fill color. By default, the fill will be determined by the z-scale, unless this prop is set. */
  export let fill = undefined;

  /** @type {String} [stroke='#333'] - The shape's stroke color. */
  export let stroke = '#333';

  /** @type {Number} [strokeWidth=0.5] - The shape's stroke width. */
  export let strokeWidth = 0.5;

  /** @type {Array} [features] - A list of GeoJSON features. Use this if you want to draw a subset of the features in `$data` while keeping the zoom on the whole GeoJSON feature set. By default, it plots everything in `$data.features` if left unset. */
  export let features = undefined;

  /* --------------------------------------------
   * Here's how you would do cross-component hovers
  const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();

  $: fitSizeRange = fixedAspectRatio ? [100, 100 / fixedAspectRatio] : [$width, $height];

  $: projectionFn = projection()
    .fitSize(fitSizeRange, $data);

  $: geoPathFn = geoPath(projectionFn);

  function handleMousemove(feature) {
    return function handleMousemoveFn(e) {
      // When the element gets raised, it flashes 0,0 for a second so skip that
      if (e.layerX !== 0 && e.layerY !== 0) {
        dispatch('mousemove', { e, props: });

  on:mouseout={(e) => dispatch('mouseout')}
  on:blur={(e) => dispatch('mouseout')}
  {#each (features || $data.features) as feature}
      fill="{fill || $zGet(}"
      on:mouseover={(e) => dispatch('mousemove', { e, props: })}
      on:focus={(e) => dispatch('mousemove', { e, props: })}

  /* .feature-path {
    stroke: #333;
    stroke-width: 0.5px;
  } */
  .feature-path:hover {
    stroke: #000;
    stroke-width: 2px;
   * Disable the outline on feature click.
   * Depending on map funtionality and accessiblity issues,
   * you may not want this rule. Read more:
  .feature-path:focus {
    outline: none;