Map (svg, tooltip, pre-projected)Edit
A map component using pre-projected topojson. The SVG map component uses Layer Cake's built-in raise
function (adapted from d3-selection) to ensure the hovered-over SVG element is always on top of its siblings. The tooltip uses Svelte's createEventDispatcher.
The topojson file states-albers-10m.json
is taken from the U.S. Atlas TopoJSON repository. This file is designed to fit a 975×610 viewport. Within the map component we can pass in d3.geoIdentity in place of a projection function, in order to scale the SVG to fit its container.
For an example using a client-side projection function, see the layered map example or the map components examples.
- +page.svelte
- ./_components/Map.svg.svelte
- ./_components/Tooltip.html.svelte
- ./_data/states-albers-10m.json
- ./_data/us-states-data.json
import { LayerCake, Svg, Html } from 'layercake';
import { feature } from 'topojson-client';
import { geoIdentity } from 'd3-geo';
import { scaleQuantize } from 'd3-scale';
import { format } from 'd3-format';
import MapSvg from './_components/Map.svg.svelte';
import Tooltip from './_components/Tooltip.html.svelte';
// This example loads json data as json using @rollup/plugin-json
import usStates from './_data/states-albers-10m.json';
import stateData from './_data/us-states-data.json';
const colorKey = 'myValue';
/* --------------------------------------------
* Create lookups to more easily join our data
* `dataJoinKey` is the name of the field in the data
* `mapJoinKey` is the name of the field in the map file
const dataJoinKey = 'name';
const mapJoinKey = 'name';
const dataLookup = new Map();
const geojson = feature(usStates, usStates.objects.states);
const projection = geoIdentity;
stateData.forEach(d => {
dataLookup.set(d[dataJoinKey], d);
let evt;
let hideTooltip = true;
// Create a flat array of objects that LayerCake can use to measure
// extents for the color scale
const flatData = =>;
const colors = ['#ffdecc', '#ffc09c', '#ffa06b', '#ff7a33'];
const addCommas = format(',');
<div class="chart-container">
z={d => dataLookup.get(d[mapJoinKey])[colorKey]}
on:mousemove={event => (evt = hideTooltip = event)}
on:mouseout={() => (hideTooltip = true)}
<Html pointerEvents={false}>
{#if hideTooltip !== true}
<Tooltip {evt} let:detail>
<!-- For the tooltip, do another data join because the hover event only has the data from the geography data -->
{@const tooltipData = { ...detail.props, ...dataLookup.get(detail.props[mapJoinKey]) }}
{#each Object.entries(tooltipData) as [key, value]}
{@const keyCapitalized = key.replace(/^\w/, d => d.toUpperCase())}
<div class="row">
{typeof value === 'number' ? addCommas(value) : value}
The wrapper div needs to have an explicit width and height in CSS.
It can also be a flexbox child or CSS grid element.
The point being it needs dimensions since the <LayerCake> element will
expand to fill it.
.chart-container {
width: 100%;
height: 250px;
Generates an SVG map using the `geoPath` function from [d3-geo](
import { getContext, createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
import { geoPath } from 'd3-geo';
import { raise } from 'layercake';
const { data, width, height, zGet } = getContext('LayerCake');
/** @type {Function} projection - A D3 projection function. Pass this in as an uncalled function, e.g. `projection={geoAlbersUsa}`. */
export let projection;
/** @type {Number|undefined} [fixedAspectRatio] - By default, the map fills to fit the $width and $height. If instead you want a fixed-aspect ratio, like for a server-side rendered map, set that here. */
export let fixedAspectRatio = undefined;
/** @type {String|undefined} [fill] - The shape's fill color. By default, the fill will be determined by the z-scale, unless this prop is set. */
export let fill = undefined;
/** @type {String} [stroke='#333'] - The shape's stroke color. */
export let stroke = '#333';
/** @type {Number} [strokeWidth=0.5] - The shape's stroke width. */
export let strokeWidth = 0.5;
/** @type {Array<Object>|undefined} [features] - A list of GeoJSON features. Use this if you want to draw a subset of the features in `$data` while keeping the zoom on the whole GeoJSON feature set. By default, it plots everything in `$data.features` if left unset. */
export let features = undefined;
/* --------------------------------------------
* Here's how you would do cross-component hovers
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
$: fitSizeRange = fixedAspectRatio ? [100, 100 / fixedAspectRatio] : [$width, $height];
$: projectionFn = projection().fitSize(fitSizeRange, $data);
$: geoPathFn = geoPath(projectionFn);
function handleMousemove(feature) {
return function handleMousemoveFn(e) {
// When the element gets raised, it flashes 0,0 for a second so skip that
if (e.layerX !== 0 && e.layerY !== 0) {
dispatch('mousemove', { e, props: });
on:mouseout={() => dispatch('mouseout')}
on:blur={() => dispatch('mouseout')}
{#each features || $data.features as feature}
fill={fill || $zGet(}
on:mouseover={e => dispatch('mousemove', { e, props: })}
on:focus={e => dispatch('mousemove', { e, props: })}
/* .feature-path {
stroke: #333;
stroke-width: 0.5px;
} */
.feature-path:hover {
stroke: #000;
stroke-width: 2px;
* Disable the outline on feature click.
* Depending on map funtionality and accessiblity issues,
* you may not want this rule. Read more:
.feature-path:focus {
outline: none;
Generates a hover tooltip. It creates a slot with an exposed variable via `let:detail` that contains information about the event. Use the slot to populate the body of the tooltip using the exposed variable `detail`.
/** @type {Object} evt - A svelte event created via [`dispatch`]( with event information under `evt.detail.e`. */
export let evt = {};
/** @type {Number} [offset=-35] - A y-offset from the hover point, in pixels. */
export let offset = -35;
{#if evt.detail}
top:{evt.detail.e.layerY + offset}px;
<slot detail={evt.detail}></slot>
.tooltip {
position: absolute;
width: 150px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
font-size: 13px;
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85);
transform: translate(-50%, -100%);
padding: 5px;
z-index: 15;
"type": "Topology",
"bbox": [-57.66491068874468, 12.97635452036684, 957.5235629133763, 606.5694262668667],
"transform": {
"scale": [0.010151986255883769, 0.005935990077365771],
"translate": [-57.66491068874468, 12.97635452036684]
"objects": {
"states": {
"type": "GeometryCollection",
"geometries": [
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [[[0]], [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]],
"id": "01",
"properties": { "name": "Alabama" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [
"id": "02",
"properties": { "name": "Alaska" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[62, 63, 64, 65, 66]],
"id": "04",
"properties": { "name": "Arizona" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72]],
"id": "08",
"properties": { "name": "Colorado" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [
[[82, 83, -4]]
"id": "12",
"properties": { "name": "Florida" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[84, 85, 86, 87, -83, -3]],
"id": "13",
"properties": { "name": "Georgia" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[88, 89, 90, 91, 92]],
"id": "18",
"properties": { "name": "Indiana" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[93, 94, 95, -70]],
"id": "20",
"properties": { "name": "Kansas" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [[[96]], [[97]], [[98]], [[99]], [[100]], [[101]], [[102]], [[103, 104]]],
"id": "23",
"properties": { "name": "Maine" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [[[105]], [[106]], [[107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114]]],
"id": "25",
"properties": { "name": "Massachusetts" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[115, 116, 117, 118, 119]],
"id": "27",
"properties": { "name": "Minnesota" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127]],
"id": "34",
"properties": { "name": "New Jersey" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [[[128]], [[129]], [[130, 131, 132, -86, 133]]],
"id": "37",
"properties": { "name": "North Carolina" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[134, -120, 135, 136]],
"id": "38",
"properties": { "name": "North Dakota" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[-71, -96, 137, 138, 139, 140]],
"id": "40",
"properties": { "name": "Oklahoma" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[141, 142, -123, 143, 144, 145, 146]],
"id": "42",
"properties": { "name": "Pennsylvania" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[147, -136, -119, 148, 149, 150]],
"id": "46",
"properties": { "name": "South Dakota" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[-140, 151, 152, 153, 154]],
"id": "48",
"properties": { "name": "Texas" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[-151, 155, -68, 156, 157, 158]],
"id": "56",
"properties": { "name": "Wyoming" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[-114, 159, 160, 161]],
"id": "09",
"properties": { "name": "Connecticut" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, -138, -95, 169]],
"id": "29",
"properties": { "name": "Missouri" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[170, -146, 171, 172, 173]],
"id": "54",
"properties": { "name": "West Virginia" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[174, 175, 176, -93, 177, -164]],
"id": "17",
"properties": { "name": "Illinois" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[-72, -141, -155, 178, -66]],
"id": "35",
"properties": { "name": "New Mexico" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[-169, 179, 180, 181, -152, -139]],
"id": "05",
"properties": { "name": "Arkansas" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [
[[189, 190, -63, 191]]
"id": "06",
"properties": { "name": "California" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [[[-128, 192]], [[-144, -122, 193, 194]]],
"id": "10",
"properties": { "name": "Delaware" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[195, 196]],
"id": "11",
"properties": { "name": "District of Columbia" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [[[197]], [[198]], [[199]], [[200]], [[201]], [[202]], [[203]], [[204]]],
"id": "15",
"properties": { "name": "Hawaii" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[-118, 205, -175, -163, 206, -149]],
"id": "19",
"properties": { "name": "Iowa" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [[[-178, -92, 207, -174, 208, 209, -165]], [[210, -167]]],
"id": "21",
"properties": { "name": "Kentucky" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [[[211, 212]], [[213]], [[-145, -195, 214, 215, 216, 217, -196, 218, -172]]],
"id": "24",
"properties": { "name": "Maryland" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [
[[227, 228, -90]],
[[230, 231]]
"id": "26",
"properties": { "name": "Michigan" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [[[232]], [[233]], [[234]], [[235]], [[-181, 236, -6, 237, 238]]],
"id": "28",
"properties": { "name": "Mississippi" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[239, -137, -148, -159, 240]],
"id": "30",
"properties": { "name": "Montana" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[241, -104, 242, -109, 243]],
"id": "33",
"properties": { "name": "New Hampshire" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [
[[246, -126]],
[[249, 250, -115, -162, 251, -124, -143]]
"id": "36",
"properties": { "name": "New York" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [[[252]], [[253]], [[-229, 254, -147, -171, -208, -91]]],
"id": "39",
"properties": { "name": "Ohio" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[255, 256, 257, -190, 258]],
"id": "41",
"properties": { "name": "Oregon" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[-168, -211, -166, -210, 259, -134, -85, -2, -237, -180]],
"id": "47",
"properties": { "name": "Tennessee" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[260, -157, -73, -65, 261]],
"id": "49",
"properties": { "name": "Utah" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [[[-216, 262]], [[263, -212]], [[-173, -219, -197, -218, 264, -131, -260, -209]]],
"id": "51",
"properties": { "name": "Virginia" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [
[[275, -256, 276]]
"id": "53",
"properties": { "name": "Washington" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [
[[287, -232, 288, -176, -206, -117]]
"id": "55",
"properties": { "name": "Wisconsin" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[-150, -207, -170, -94, -69, -156]],
"id": "31",
"properties": { "name": "Nebraska" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[-133, 289, -87]],
"id": "45",
"properties": { "name": "South Carolina" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[-276, 290, -241, -158, -261, 291, -257]],
"id": "16",
"properties": { "name": "Idaho" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[-258, -292, -262, -64, -191]],
"id": "32",
"properties": { "name": "Nevada" }
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[292, -244, -108, -251]],
"id": "50",
"properties": { "name": "Vermont" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [
[[-182, -239, 300, -153]]
"id": "22",
"properties": { "name": "Louisiana" }
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [[[-111, 301]], [[302]], [[303]], [[-160, -113, 304]]],
"id": "44",
"properties": { "name": "Rhode Island" }
"nation": {
"type": "GeometryCollection",
"geometries": [
"type": "MultiPolygon",
"arcs": [
83, 4, 237, 300, 153, 178, 66, 191, 258, 276, 290, 239, 134, 115, 287, 230, 288,
176, 88, 227, 254, 141, 249, 292, 241, 104, 242, 109, 301, 111, 304, 160, 251, 124,
246, 126, 192, 120, 193, 214, 262, 216, 264, 131, 289, 87
[[212, 263]],
"arcs": [
[69506, 80772],
[380, -157],
[7, -84],
[101, 130],
[-57, 89],
[-74, -43],
[-256, 100],
[-101, -35]
[68880, 62501],
[-7, -46],
[1414, -189],
[1042, -124],
[1847, -308],
[396, -61]
[73572, 61773],
[70, 469],
[326, 1939],
[906, 5571],
[62, 59],
[-19, 125],
[95, 129],
[64, 485],
[82, 222],
[132, 204],
[41, 265],
[67, 105],
[-46, 398],
[134, 66],
[87, 117],
[-60, 183],
[-141, 178],
[-78, 187],
[35, 181],
[6, 285],
[-28, 289],
[-92, 408],
[70, 398],
[-3, 146],
[146, 260],
[52, 384],
[-38, 200],
[20, 139],
[-32, 271],
[22, 258],
[-42, 80],
[37, 340],
[156, 271],
[91, 397]
[75694, 76782],
[-1690, 351],
[-1190, 211],
[-1182, 171],
[-870, 144],
[24, 123],
[-67, 390],
[174, 280],
[45, 157],
[254, 224],
[34, 165],
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[74, 193],
[89, 89],
[-101, 97],
[-35, 248],
[-81, 121],
[59, 51],
[-94, 99]
[71058, 80372],
[-260, 157],
[-344, 138],
[-239, 26],
[45, -129],
[86, 72],
[239, -124],
[16, -113],
[-189, -303],
[-123, -105],
[-67, -290],
[44, -199],
[-29, -297],
[-54, -152],
[-142, -85],
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[22, 122],
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[12, 507],
[-45, 224],
[-105, 29],
[0, -120],
[-145, -111],
[-105, 62],
[-33, -66],
[-117, 89]
[69359, 80276],
[-134, -1892],
[-235, -3167],
[-52, -748],
[28, -1877],
[54, -5177],
[39, -2880],
[26, -1662],
[-109, -102],
[-96, -270]
[15941, 90739],
[47, -223],
[44, 31],
[-91, 192]
[15442, 93819],
[42, -103],
[61, 69],
[-2, -172],
[161, -206],
[65, -149],
[-24, -118],
[125, -104],
[-52, 383],
[56, -94],
[91, 167],
[61, -77],
[-34, 266],
[-96, -86],
[21, 114],
[-138, -53],
[-22, 160],
[-134, 106],
[-181, -103]
[15046, 95861],
[118, -96],
[59, 144],
[-121, 21],
[-56, -69]
[14874, 94754],
[65, -192],
[169, -201],
[102, 16],
[39, 195],
[12, -197],
[-32, -217],
[89, -105],
[62, 78],
[103, -23],
[-54, -154],
[151, 129],
[-76, -123],
[164, 31],
[-6, 121],
[73, -20],
[100, -147],
[76, 287],
[-61, -38],
[-7, 239],
[131, -34],
[-74, 268],
[-171, -105],
[62, 163],
[-90, 160],
[-146, 117],
[126, 37],
[-146, 104],
[-35, 115],
[-45, -119],
[22, -151],
[-141, 441],
[-92, 126],
[-105, 34],
[128, -263],
[-55, -17],
[72, -272],
[-209, 417],
[-96, -196],
[-2, -257],
[-109, -143],
[6, -104]
[14854, 96003],
[119, -221],
[61, 63],
[-150, 199],
[-30, -41]
[14435, 96805],
[71, -113],
[-3, 201],
[-68, -88]
[12752, 97824],
[9, -151],
[50, 124],
[-59, 27]
[12678, 97489],
[67, -76],
[-9, 284],
[-62, -20],
[4, -188]
[12397, 97795],
[79, -153],
[-37, -93],
[62, -101],
[107, 47],
[-29, 107],
[-182, 193]
[12157, 97232],
[72, -101],
[166, 95],
[-15, 134],
[-78, -137],
[-13, 286],
[-67, -120],
[-52, 93],
[-13, -250]
[12330, 92853],
[20, -148],
[159, -124],
[-98, 298],
[-81, -26]
[11676, 97411],
[39, -75],
[105, 122],
[-77, 52],
[-67, -99]
[11421, 97611],
[92, -25],
[-51, 170],
[-41, -145]
[12196, 86075],
[110, -33],
[3, 101],
[-113, -68]
[11193, 98205],
[7, -58],
[201, 186],
[-53, 52],
[-155, -180]
[10074, 98386],
[132, -10],
[-14, 76],
[-118, -66]
[9884, 98128],
[28, -56],
[93, 143],
[-78, 113],
[-43, -200]
[9682, 98209],
[113, -63],
[74, 186],
[-177, 16],
[-10, -139]
[10033, 90043],
[198, 78],
[97, -139],
[133, 6],
[96, -81],
[10, 159],
[78, -4],
[46, 160],
[9, 450],
[-177, 9],
[-80, 127],
[-69, -160],
[-79, -22],
[-242, -381],
[-20, -202]
[8760, 99025],
[201, -102],
[44, 40],
[207, -329],
[81, 99],
[18, -87],
[-104, -66],
[-43, -110],
[68, -138],
[186, -32],
[-15, 119],
[68, 60],
[68, -133],
[63, 124],
[-181, 237],
[211, -121],
[-7, 104],
[-91, 97],
[-133, 39],
[-116, 210],
[-179, -40],
[-91, 90],
[-160, 62],
[-95, -123]
[10675, 82812],
[212, -149],
[259, -225],
[359, -268],
[208, -116],
[258, -84],
[179, 32],
[3, 186],
[-78, 336],
[32, 183],
[188, 49],
[135, -11],
[107, 107],
[84, -50],
[90, 95],
[111, -270],
[174, 40],
[-34, -143],
[-119, -104],
[-125, 45],
[27, -218],
[-102, -299],
[-65, -31],
[-31, -168],
[101, -102],
[79, 236],
[-30, 174],
[135, 305],
[80, -38],
[-150, -350],
[42, -213],
[90, -120],
[-80, -103],
[-217, 52],
[-362, -286],
[11, -172],
[-42, -387],
[-325, -737],
[-149, -171],
[-58, -196],
[-145, -222],
[101, -35],
[57, -159],
[54, -421],
[247, 104],
[311, -10],
[225, -224],
[99, -195],
[58, -394],
[60, -252],
[230, -468],
[124, -140],
[155, 74],
[134, -81],
[172, -212],
[165, -284],
[130, -88],
[129, 133],
[238, -92],
[95, -123],
[169, -392],
[73, -5],
[239, 172],
[18, 100],
[-124, 170],
[9, 164],
[76, 21],
[36, -151],
[89, -111],
[39, -154],
[107, 159],
[10, 262],
[103, 77],
[76, -154],
[171, -50],
[267, 120],
[-63, 180],
[15, 104],
[188, 61],
[-39, 166],
[196, 58],
[50, -112],
[143, -13],
[16, 65],
[234, -168],
[186, 129],
[46, -33],
[77, 145],
[36, -63],
[150, 172],
[144, 34],
[71, -53],
[278, -28],
[134, 149],
[130, 66],
[89, -35],
[179, -246],
[166, -87],
[551, 444],
[124, 25],
[1418, 12234],
[190, 47],
[10, -122],
[203, 99],
[84, -245],
[227, -110],
[4, 366],
[81, 102],
[140, 60],
[56, 170],
[488, 525],
[126, 408],
[191, -431],
[94, -51],
[20, -175],
[-40, -232],
[66, -31],
[-47, -166],
[141, -156],
[148, -261],
[221, 220],
[16, 190],
[72, 162],
[106, -8],
[172, 209],
[90, 202],
[189, 83],
[249, 287],
[-21, 71],
[168, 240],
[75, 170],
[120, 154],
[207, 362],
[194, 296],
[-17, 181],
[140, -19],
[14, 241],
[121, 28],
[67, 249],
[100, -76],
[255, 139],
[134, -28],
[163, 80],
[44, 114],
[138, -54],
[87, 232],
[-10, 219],
[60, 227],
[143, 342],
[-50, 542],
[-96, 348],
[-67, -105],
[-46, 75],
[-181, -461],
[66, -185],
[-64, -302],
[-87, -260],
[-74, -60],
[126, 281],
[34, 394],
[-31, 143],
[-124, 16],
[-143, -77],
[-105, -175],
[23, -170],
[-52, -334],
[-1, 316],
[-43, 99],
[27, 150],
[-112, -62],
[-45, -134],
[24, -199],
[-48, -275],
[15, -216],
[-61, 230],
[44, 113],
[-91, 164],
[-86, -215],
[-101, -7],
[-30, -132],
[44, -187],
[80, -60],
[-58, -170],
[83, -8],
[-191, -138],
[-25, -161],
[-107, -53],
[-138, -197],
[-246, -69],
[-17, -242],
[-74, -272],
[-79, -23],
[-12, -118],
[219, 58],
[-197, -160],
[-63, 12],
[-197, -273],
[-56, -280],
[-14, 125],
[-202, 37],
[-118, -282],
[-218, -386],
[-127, -421],
[-122, -123],
[-27, 93],
[136, 181],
[38, 204],
[156, 360],
[128, 533],
[-132, -48],
[-62, -149],
[-84, 1],
[-99, 114],
[-52, -307],
[-111, -222],
[-48, 110],
[-114, -66],
[-46, -158],
[-33, 119],
[-95, -53],
[-7, 89],
[133, 14],
[132, 153],
[58, 1],
[130, 346],
[-120, 172],
[-65, 3],
[-42, 154],
[-132, -181],
[-66, 30],
[-218, -176],
[-178, -190],
[-18, -114],
[-174, -184],
[-149, -44],
[-131, -111],
[-217, -96],
[-195, -143],
[33, -152],
[61, 18],
[-66, -341],
[9, -235],
[-56, 319],
[-180, 249],
[-233, 14],
[-225, -109],
[45, -181],
[-124, 91],
[-378, -50],
[-106, 16],
[-520, 275],
[-130, 306],
[42, -206],
[75, -155],
[63, -18],
[-114, -134],
[-235, -23],
[60, -74],
[-91, -38],
[36, -191],
[-147, 213],
[-200, -177],
[-79, 43],
[77, -189],
[-140, 182],
[18, 139],
[-225, 153],
[14, -275],
[61, 16],
[238, -222],
[-52, -153],
[-98, 142],
[43, -170],
[-167, 120],
[-82, -68],
[187, -179],
[-137, 77],
[-85, -183],
[36, -225],
[-119, 271],
[-49, -239],
[-30, 256],
[-69, 86],
[-49, -100],
[-80, 202],
[-155, 53],
[54, -382],
[-81, 19],
[-55, 417],
[100, 20],
[-67, 366],
[85, -174],
[66, 194],
[-57, 288],
[133, 221],
[-78, 173],
[-83, 21],
[-49, -271],
[-26, 268],
[-72, 47],
[-193, -61],
[-106, 186],
[31, -165],
[-51, -198],
[-4, 275],
[-110, -27],
[14, 416],
[-118, -191],
[43, 157],
[-154, 355],
[-34, 20],
[-54, -246],
[-11, 222],
[-55, 6],
[-96, 278],
[-121, 28],
[-42, -91],
[-70, 163],
[-63, 8],
[-94, -123],
[32, -226],
[144, -94],
[201, -416],
[-51, 12],
[-148, 203],
[-148, -173],
[58, -357],
[110, -270],
[43, -434],
[-59, -226],
[143, -114],
[236, -345],
[75, 178],
[75, 43],
[82, -148],
[254, 89],
[-245, -157],
[-133, -173],
[129, -322],
[98, -94],
[-71, -54],
[-93, 156],
[-33, 201],
[-181, 9],
[-69, -64],
[-137, 170],
[-49, 181],
[-117, 56],
[-117, 218],
[40, 161],
[-55, 1],
[-171, 314],
[31, 150],
[-189, 301],
[66, 136],
[-91, 263],
[-158, 25],
[83, 47],
[-18, 182],
[-278, 203],
[13, 145],
[-154, 94],
[-17, 467],
[38, -73],
[125, 26],
[142, 115],
[46, 137],
[-46, 163],
[-111, 177],
[-89, 7],
[-65, 157],
[24, 152],
[-87, 322],
[-105, 104],
[-104, 2],
[-167, 132],
[7, 119],
[-95, 44],
[7, 143],
[-126, -77],
[-56, 304],
[-130, -26],
[7, 168],
[-79, -51],
[-148, 237],
[92, -55],
[-4, 206],
[-99, 261],
[-140, 18],
[-143, 251],
[-72, -133],
[-137, 326],
[-23, -91],
[-80, 128],
[12, 136],
[-101, -74],
[-95, 40],
[-76, 182],
[155, 167],
[-162, 174],
[-21, 142],
[-59, -166],
[-5, 187],
[-85, -70],
[-28, 88],
[-262, 72],
[-27, 251],
[-96, 114],
[72, -316],
[-108, -54],
[-96, 146],
[-155, 135],
[-73, 160],
[-141, -94],
[-175, 196],
[-122, -30],
[86, -328],
[-111, -5],
[-67, 296],
[-97, 212],
[-62, -41],
[27, 166],
[-91, -84],
[-45, 172],
[-96, -64],
[2, -270],
[-45, -80],
[-49, 103],
[52, 124],
[-12, 221],
[-127, 31],
[-84, -269],
[-73, 76],
[74, 152],
[-166, 152],
[82, 55],
[43, 164],
[-116, -146],
[-125, 154],
[-223, -68],
[-121, 89],
[-18, 84],
[-138, 62],
[-89, -60],
[-27, -222],
[119, -83],
[89, -232],
[319, -170],
[161, 27],
[77, 247],
[29, -326],
[197, -30],
[156, -328],
[167, -282],
[214, -226],
[286, -107],
[156, 5],
[-66, 263],
[52, 123],
[18, -196],
[128, 51],
[88, 147],
[29, -84],
[-149, -228],
[110, -343],
[266, -358],
[125, -86],
[260, -267],
[118, 87],
[8, -256],
[135, -318],
[136, -147],
[168, -260],
[74, -747],
[79, -59],
[-57, -145],
[48, -302],
[170, -263],
[22, -219],
[-42, 8],
[-424, 300],
[-153, -250],
[32, -281],
[-120, 168],
[-47, 221],
[52, 293],
[-84, 115],
[-66, -54],
[-111, -471],
[-127, -245],
[-81, 191],
[-51, -152],
[-103, -107],
[11, -156],
[-186, 185],
[-249, 181],
[-20, 100],
[-164, 122],
[-65, -154],
[79, -145],
[12, -260],
[-80, -424],
[52, -138],
[108, -127],
[-113, -637],
[-84, -319],
[-48, 23],
[-19, 190],
[-80, -6],
[-160, 138],
[-230, 33],
[-171, -99],
[-7, -258],
[-68, -89],
[-93, -324],
[-95, -85],
[-51, -143],
[78, -106],
[-157, -17],
[179, -244],
[5, -205],
[-59, -151],
[79, -31],
[-86, -254],
[-43, 121],
[-68, -32],
[0, -240],
[-86, -117],
[-3, -116],
[72, -86],
[-50, -94],
[-93, 29],
[21, -165],
[125, -7],
[-79, -221],
[165, 10],
[-22, -218],
[51, -173],
[369, -634],
[-1, -135],
[124, -392],
[88, -131],
[104, -36],
[136, 97],
[126, 269],
[99, -9],
[149, -193],
[162, -313],
[81, 71],
[153, 31],
[160, -46],
[150, -336],
[-38, -433],
[4, -196],
[-83, -234],
[-79, -48],
[48, -139],
[123, 64],
[80, -131],
[14, -141],
[-118, -296],
[-74, 185],
[-95, -39],
[-176, 110],
[-138, 172],
[-105, 254],
[-4, -237],
[-91, -210],
[-51, 57],
[83, 169],
[-76, -7],
[-105, -152],
[-275, -47],
[-212, 91],
[-384, -319],
[-59, -223],
[43, -158],
[-74, -195],
[-40, -223],
[76, 60],
[118, -183],
[-56, -103],
[-284, -198],
[-165, -283],
[-4, -109]
[8131, 99405],
[170, -218],
[19, -146],
[90, -89],
[116, 59],
[-30, -111],
[66, -167],
[169, -61],
[90, 94],
[-45, 168],
[-220, 115],
[-117, 211],
[-337, 186],
[29, -41]
[8483, 94388],
[117, 58],
[-45, 83],
[-72, -141]
[7690, 99248],
[115, -18],
[13, 144],
[-120, -45],
[-8, -81]
[8324, 93559],
[119, -32],
[-70, 110],
[-49, -78]
[7260, 99402],
[111, -86],
[-4, 130],
[-97, 42],
[-10, -86]
[9073, 85044],
[82, -289],
[23, 154],
[214, 247],
[170, -101],
[111, 166],
[-7, 167],
[156, 236],
[273, 203],
[-86, 173],
[-177, -76],
[-129, 242],
[-40, -211],
[-144, -347],
[-144, -241],
[-78, -48],
[-147, 95],
[-80, -120],
[3, -250]
[6374, 99403],
[99, -80],
[51, 59],
[-60, 96],
[-90, -75]
[7988, 88764],
[78, -103],
[-11, 129],
[204, 374],
[-177, -152],
[-94, -248]
[5678, 99277],
[107, 94],
[93, -16],
[110, 136],
[185, 96],
[-217, -19],
[-244, -168],
[-34, -123]
[5065, 99087],
[161, 47],
[356, -23],
[-4, -141],
[103, -89],
[69, 166],
[-126, 114],
[38, 114],
[-177, 44],
[-154, -54],
[-266, -178]
[4678, 98790],
[94, 108],
[-57, 122],
[-56, -57],
[19, -173]
[4597, 99098],
[134, -43],
[-3, 92],
[-110, 44],
[-21, -93]
[4199, 99135],
[142, -179],
[46, -182],
[107, 30],
[-49, 180],
[139, 41],
[-33, 164],
[-83, -57],
[-186, 76],
[-83, -73]
[3893, 98832],
[254, 11],
[35, -137],
[64, 76],
[-80, 190],
[-77, 21],
[-45, -103],
[-151, -58]
[3705, 98464],
[133, 37],
[37, 197],
[-113, 200],
[-52, -176],
[69, 19],
[-74, -277]
[2703, 97629],
[93, 9],
[33, 99],
[-101, 71],
[-25, -179]
[2214, 97770],
[118, 120],
[86, 361],
[-87, -256],
[-117, -225]
[1666, 96970],
[161, -15],
[70, -133],
[31, 91],
[-238, 180],
[-24, -123]
[183, 94948],
[150, -16],
[-12, 216],
[-138, -200]
[3, 93989],
[97, -21],
[195, 194],
[72, 315],
[-72, -107],
[-48, 47],
[-122, -62],
[-49, -294],
[-73, -72]
[25124, 95090],
[81, -118],
[51, 81],
[-51, 118],
[-81, -81]
[25034, 95023],
[14, -161],
[-46, -173],
[92, 49],
[55, 249],
[-115, 36]
[24855, 94663],
[14, -76],
[95, 94],
[3, 250],
[-112, -268]
[24158, 93842],
[17, -68],
[85, 176],
[-102, -108]
[24110, 93691],
[33, -161],
[142, 12],
[12, 158],
[-80, 94],
[-107, -103]
[24024, 95001],
[0, -142],
[132, -88],
[66, 85],
[-25, 152],
[-95, 166],
[-7, -170],
[-71, -3]
[23894, 94360],
[61, -318],
[-63, -29],
[7, -201],
[181, -50],
[182, 317],
[134, 63],
[103, 138],
[166, 313],
[-134, -41],
[-16, 137],
[77, -81],
[139, 130],
[20, 194],
[78, -104],
[28, 94],
[-17, 286],
[53, -91],
[72, 293],
[-8, 132],
[-123, 47],
[-102, -29],
[52, -130],
[-141, -80],
[-37, -261],
[-58, 78],
[28, 178],
[-83, -21],
[-48, -206],
[-88, -9],
[184, 397],
[57, -93],
[90, 178],
[-71, -22],
[68, 159],
[-88, 20],
[-187, -257],
[-92, -329],
[-95, 67],
[-24, -129],
[137, -203],
[-117, -158],
[-235, -176],
[49, -97],
[-18, -246],
[-64, 209],
[-57, -69]
[23676, 94551],
[100, -32],
[-46, 118],
[-54, -86]
[23442, 93359],
[39, -143],
[94, -32],
[70, 128],
[-28, -204],
[-68, -59],
[50, -123],
[246, 1],
[93, -56],
[130, 212],
[202, 195],
[-91, 178],
[-141, 25],
[-6, 124],
[-99, -11],
[-90, 114],
[-45, -119],
[6, 641],
[-54, 147],
[-77, -120],
[-68, -291],
[-1, -247],
[-56, -4],
[-106, -356]
[22874, 91471],
[120, 122],
[34, 132],
[50, -65],
[159, -33],
[16, 107],
[173, 287],
[60, 227],
[-112, -215],
[-88, -62],
[55, 162],
[118, 142],
[86, 314],
[-178, 553],
[-43, 18],
[-62, -238],
[37, -251],
[-86, -125],
[-96, -243],
[-14, -143],
[-169, -454],
[-60, -235]
[22808, 92958],
[68, -314],
[174, 116],
[89, -32],
[39, 206],
[202, 624],
[104, 595],
[8, 134],
[-73, -59],
[-251, -492],
[-203, -158],
[60, -14],
[-4, -233],
[-73, -67],
[18, -224],
[-72, 57],
[-86, -139]
[22770, 93146],
[15, -154],
[118, 129],
[4, 281],
[-86, 61],
[14, -185],
[-65, -132]
[22337, 92395],
[-24, -198],
[61, -128],
[-39, -153],
[85, 100],
[98, -88],
[58, -146],
[164, 133],
[210, 16],
[45, 154],
[-74, 88],
[86, 54],
[122, 380],
[-103, 94],
[-235, -169],
[43, 242],
[-34, 181],
[-81, -17],
[-131, -193],
[-45, 15],
[-102, -276],
[-104, -89]
[17580, 91326],
[38, -191],
[142, -287],
[94, -372],
[66, 151],
[-184, 481],
[47, 59],
[-203, 159]
[17539, 90713],
[44, -321],
[78, -154],
[-4, 287],
[-41, 296],
[-77, -108]
[19970, 66387],
[65, -52],
[134, 60],
[171, -33],
[6, -131],
[139, -165],
[38, -233],
[-51, -496],
[-150, -33],
[-122, -91],
[-42, -247],
[80, -216],
[53, -417],
[-85, -155],
[84, -202],
[-29, -178],
[185, -31],
[25, -104],
[149, -244],
[71, -56],
[45, -484],
[69, -46],
[6, -591],
[57, -59],
[-30, -272],
[220, -292],
[71, -289],
[185, -59],
[135, -93],
[206, -263],
[58, -158],
[-50, -197],
[-81, -92],
[-160, -384],
[-89, -60],
[42, -268],
[-61, -264],
[18, -68],
[-40, -416],
[-121, -252],
[-31, -281],
[-69, -170],
[59, -487]
[21130, 57818],
[83, -258],
[-59, -105],
[129, -83],
[31, -125],
[24, -629],
[-18, -338],
[-54, -333],
[96, -444],
[-46, -175],
[-1, -237],
[36, -162],
[-7, -200],
[47, -176],
[63, -57],
[-82, -300],
[39, -317],
[-19, -239],
[42, -54],
[221, -26],
[87, -54],
[106, 38],
[3, 84],
[238, 28],
[87, 297],
[-21, 59],
[113, 209],
[153, 14],
[218, -544],
[43, -39],
[86, -746],
[104, -1007],
[147, -1305]
[23019, 50594],
[855, 279],
[1774, 548],
[1962, 566],
[1594, 421],
[51, 38],
[1476, 375],
[1017, 243]
[31748, 53064],
[-508, 6249],
[-181, 2264],
[-472, 5802],
[-144, 1799],
[-450, 5498]
[29993, 74676],
[-1790, -441],
[-864, -222],
[-1155, -307],
[-3138, -3103],
[-450, -441],
[-2897, -2988],
[58, -202],
[4, -258],
[96, -94],
[113, -233]
[32975, 37767],
[867, 205],
[1496, 317],
[1947, 389],
[392, 90],
[819, 151],
[1448, 238],
[300, 36],
[1037, 155]
[41281, 39348],
[927, 129],
[1118, 143],
[1295, 149],
[-144, 3845]
[44477, 43614],
[-168, 4810],
[-101, 2730],
[-57, 1687],
[-89, 2368]
[44062, 55209],
[-1157, -141],
[-535, -85]
[42370, 54983],
[-2357, -301],
[-1165, -181],
[-211, -43],
[-1901, -326],
[-1175, -218],
[-11, -32],
[-1061, -214],
[-1347, -285],
[-1394, -319]
[31748, 53064],
[115, -1438],
[55, -594],
[196, -2424],
[2, -431],
[139, -1699],
[139, -1549],
[425, -5250],
[42, -454],
[114, -1458]
[85919, 97958],
[89, -224],
[40, 97],
[-83, 167],
[-46, -40]
[85736, 98213],
[57, -143],
[52, 81],
[-109, 62]
[85214, 98724],
[354, -394],
[52, 85],
[-304, 347],
[-102, -38]
[83862, 99608],
[105, -374],
[302, -372],
[157, -255],
[104, -106],
[301, 142],
[41, 160],
[112, 109],
[-305, 274],
[-30, -81],
[-193, 68],
[-12, 84],
[-321, 322],
[-255, 116],
[-6, -87]
[83457, 99810],
[252, -176],
[-36, 182],
[-212, 75],
[-4, -81]
[83145, 99811],
[34, -123],
[81, -1],
[-13, 152],
[-102, -28]
[82261, 91868],
[41, 48],
[195, 645],
[193, 133],
[47, -69],
[103, 43],
[-160, 144],
[-215, -201],
[-193, -580],
[-11, -163]
[81555, 99934],
[106, -66],
[40, 63],
[-143, 68],
[-3, -65]
[76646, 81241],
[191, -195],
[-26, 165],
[-145, 109],
[-20, -79]
[75694, 76782],
[53, 244],
[101, 173],
[20, 257],
[64, 242],
[99, 133],
[2615, -305],
[707, -77],
[1759, -212],
[-32, 100],
[85, 210],
[3, 234],
[97, 230],
[232, -75],
[21, -453],
[-6, -326],
[-114, -328],
[5, -510],
[98, 7],
[29, -197],
[105, -2],
[60, 95],
[119, -19],
[179, 128],
[129, -25],
[221, 56],
[93, -74],
[91, 39]
[82527, 76327],
[36, 36],
[4, 375],
[44, 293],
[58, 141],
[119, 776],
[251, 1112],
[123, 398],
[40, 274],
[258, 818],
[312, 873],
[211, 562],
[634, 1338],
[323, 573],
[142, 446],
[-104, 217],
[-4, 385],
[84, 492],
[75, 297],
[158, 439],
[328, 796],
[265, 849],
[122, 430],
[251, 649],
[14, 109],
[183, 505],
[206, 797],
[70, 853],
[3, 479],
[28, 685],
[6, 680],
[71, 925],
[-7, 675],
[-39, -205],
[-75, -65],
[-84, 129],
[-36, 318],
[-41, 102],
[16, 171],
[-41, 146],
[7, 255],
[48, 245],
[43, 40],
[-41, 187],
[-70, 102],
[28, 114],
[140, -170],
[156, -818],
[-17, 414],
[-179, 782],
[-37, 280],
[-360, 866],
[-154, 258],
[-26, -33],
[298, -616],
[41, -183],
[17, -377],
[-207, -8],
[-239, 140],
[-155, 196],
[-143, -108],
[-124, 79],
[-39, 143],
[-355, 176],
[-139, -134],
[-83, -202],
[10, -425],
[52, -37],
[-138, -441],
[-94, -133],
[0, -111],
[-97, -223],
[-68, -40],
[-63, -264],
[-122, 24],
[-96, -307],
[-179, -55],
[-342, -270],
[-118, 201],
[-157, -372],
[-146, -452],
[-131, -756],
[-99, -298],
[-101, -160],
[-224, -187],
[-16, -142],
[-106, 19],
[34, 134],
[-94, 61],
[-113, -560],
[-102, -144],
[106, -95],
[76, 111],
[31, -533],
[-32, -276],
[-67, -30],
[6, -268],
[-80, 35],
[-103, 170],
[97, 463],
[-196, 152],
[-21, 169],
[-25, -241],
[-52, -152],
[-150, -272],
[-235, -527],
[-87, -288],
[-232, -547],
[-286, -491],
[-131, -333],
[90, 137],
[96, -120],
[107, -306],
[162, -617],
[80, -89],
[58, -296],
[-60, -231],
[-155, -32],
[65, 358],
[-169, -59],
[39, -121],
[-76, -326],
[-286, -163],
[28, 207],
[-70, 108],
[115, 108],
[86, -11],
[110, 334],
[-59, 156],
[0, 266],
[-154, 83],
[40, 272],
[-52, 60],
[-38, -351],
[-129, -295],
[-85, -98],
[-64, -231],
[4, -515],
[-56, -204],
[-69, -524],
[61, -19],
[24, 301],
[58, 281],
[60, 8],
[-19, -271],
[-62, -90],
[70, -263],
[99, -853],
[-3, -602],
[-58, -205],
[-3, -184],
[-93, -75],
[16, -143],
[-91, -337],
[63, -229],
[-175, -321],
[13, -106],
[-67, -166],
[-72, 7],
[2, -272],
[-47, -34],
[-333, 3],
[-96, 205],
[-93, -308],
[-17, -189],
[-163, -54],
[-28, -203],
[-105, -268],
[-153, -32],
[-44, -136],
[-183, -118],
[-27, -363],
[-46, -212],
[-80, -4],
[-172, -141],
[-111, -213],
[-8, -103],
[-121, -259],
[-104, -122],
[-212, -159],
[-291, -175],
[-196, -205],
[-189, 89],
[-57, 82],
[-222, -49],
[5, 113],
[-166, 264],
[85, 309],
[-22, 109],
[-166, -2],
[-40, -79],
[-156, 105],
[-236, 362],
[-43, 8],
[-358, 482],
[17, -196],
[-76, -25],
[-133, 289],
[-248, 46],
[102, 141],
[17, 124],
[116, 48],
[391, -385],
[168, -312],
[20, 39],
[-143, 302],
[-490, 503],
[-364, -278],
[-135, 2],
[-113, 116],
[-107, -290],
[-61, -329],
[47, -200],
[24, 341],
[58, 291],
[55, 61],
[57, -140],
[-9, -275],
[-145, -364],
[-90, -135],
[-164, -57],
[-111, -112],
[-131, -208],
[-193, -120],
[-165, -198],
[-211, -190],
[-247, -167],
[-443, -201],
[-279, -71],
[-519, 6],
[-225, 54],
[-318, 135],
[-444, 236],
[-213, 81],
[-54, -22],
[-419, 231]
[73572, 61773],
[398, -68],
[802, -177],
[1113, -230]
[75885, 61298],
[1265, -269],
[-2, -21],
[918, -243]
[78066, 60765],
[-3, 232],
[-194, 300],
[-36, 220],
[-91, 144],
[-35, 245],
[45, 177],
[210, 221],
[115, 2],
[175, 301],
[166, 132],
[108, -80],
[154, 75],
[78, 344],
[80, 76],
[109, 259],
[57, 339],
[111, 145],
[87, 228],
[96, 128],
[95, 301],
[60, -7],
[210, 259],
[148, 78],
[192, 242],
[149, 465],
[128, 124],
[48, -32],
[120, 94],
[136, 266],
[148, 138],
[-32, 309],
[79, 135],
[119, 37],
[8, 216],
[97, 124],
[72, -31],
[27, 212],
[122, 136],
[172, 38],
[92, 135],
[165, 136],
[3, 270],
[85, 143],
[-15, 76],
[115, 135],
[6, 201],
[46, 137],
[-17, 171],
[79, 183],
[-38, 88],
[114, 174],
[166, 36],
[191, 304],
[-15, 117],
[217, 519],
[-53, 184],
[90, 189],
[27, 271],
[103, 78],
[108, -71],
[170, 185],
[79, 6]
[83114, 71024],
[83, 17],
[-17, 218],
[-81, 122],
[-74, -32],
[-23, 167],
[66, 8],
[-91, 225],
[-142, -37],
[-3, 188],
[70, 4],
[-34, 221],
[-101, 206],
[-120, -9],
[74, 143],
[55, -32],
[21, 276],
[-51, 276],
[-152, 40],
[-10, 94],
[119, -52],
[49, 67],
[-139, 619],
[35, 293],
[-7, 324],
[-39, 4],
[-78, 298],
[-58, 25],
[1, 455],
[-125, 185],
[134, 46],
[27, -89],
[30, 262],
[-45, 391],
[-1, 266],
[40, 114]
[68755, 36530],
[95, 123],
[115, -36],
[-31, 139],
[272, 45],
[228, -135],
[292, -294],
[170, -224]
[69896, 36148],
[1702, -293],
[1620, -318],
[17, 245]
[73235, 35782],
[263, 3703],
[109, 1630],
[113, 1885],
[177, 2707]
[73897, 45707],
[-117, 230],
[114, 214],
[16, 126],
[-44, 233],
[145, 35],
[-49, 183],
[30, 207],
[-129, -14],
[-151, 90],
[-309, 416],
[-138, -143],
[-105, -18],
[-216, 89],
[-30, 162],
[107, 534],
[-124, 327],
[-180, 146],
[-52, 446],
[-133, 249],
[-95, -57],
[-63, 57],
[-25, 213],
[-84, 256],
[22, 287],
[-14, 226],
[-45, 97],
[-137, 85],
[-10, 127],
[-127, -193],
[-122, 30],
[-177, -186],
[-13, -271],
[-145, -198],
[-34, 127],
[81, 24],
[-126, 210],
[-104, -34],
[58, 116],
[-23, 145],
[-111, 49],
[3, 288],
[41, 139],
[-141, 61],
[-13, 246],
[-101, 22],
[16, -203],
[-121, 81],
[-61, -67],
[-93, -279],
[-106, 24],
[-71, 171],
[-220, 189],
[-42, 413],
[-96, 81],
[-76, -206],
[-66, 1],
[-329, -305],
[-124, -2],
[-98, 150],
[-155, -246],
[-49, 172],
[69, 169],
[-26, 211],
[-103, 33],
[-35, -283],
[-250, 142],
[-139, -167],
[-49, 132],
[68, 320],
[-59, 134],
[-150, -72]
[68662, 51678],
[-138, -393],
[145, 22],
[-95, -83],
[81, -233],
[-62, -228],
[124, -130],
[2, -128],
[-71, 72],
[56, -194],
[67, -46],
[-111, -249],
[86, -356],
[34, 111],
[41, -142],
[51, 102],
[67, -349],
[44, -37],
[71, -304],
[-22, -107],
[136, -145],
[-13, -129],
[51, -389],
[40, -114],
[121, -134],
[23, -319],
[-109, -297],
[47, -375],
[-120, -115],
[-4, -265],
[-112, -174],
[-26, -229],
[102, -215],
[-61, -156],
[31, -312],
[78, -41],
[-96, -1779],
[-120, -2504],
[-168, -3209],
[-77, -1575]
[44477, 43614],
[1074, 114],
[1741, 156],
[977, 74],
[1091, 66],
[1033, 52],
[1067, 44],
[1496, 43],
[1519, 20],
[1435, -5]
[55910, 44178],
[176, 351],
[108, 38],
[24, 92],
[154, 30],
[41, -133],
[143, 40],
[-22, 108],
[113, 141],
[-82, 133],
[23, 117],
[73, -54],
[-24, 179],
[-122, -71],
[-25, 229],
[-96, 83],
[-61, 342],
[-73, 14],
[2, 139],
[97, 154],
[17, 119],
[101, 98],
[84, 211],
[77, -28],
[-36, 158],
[19, 198],
[93, 121],
[40, 225],
[79, 23],
[72, 131],
[84, -58],
[44, 99],
[121, 7],
[-25, 138],
[8, 1969],
[18, 2539],
[0, 689],
[25, 2987]
[57180, 55736],
[-1580, 26],
[-1748, 2],
[-1700, -30],
[-1265, -39],
[-1541, -77],
[-1058, -66],
[-400, -35],
[-1413, -101],
[-1205, -95],
[-1208, -112]
[98249, 17157],
[80, -70],
[-28, 138],
[-52, -68]
[98072, 17379],
[-8, -281],
[189, 209],
[-58, 185],
[-123, -113]
[97911, 16723],
[18, -160],
[74, 213],
[-92, -53]
[97504, 17360],
[72, -41],
[41, 118],
[-113, -77]
[97633, 18829],
[27, -143],
[42, 237],
[-69, -94]
[97421, 17896],
[20, -151],
[117, -211],
[42, 177],
[116, 210],
[-35, 153],
[-96, 90],
[-81, -41],
[-26, -244],
[-57, 17]
[97299, 17401],
[37, -249],
[-19, -265],
[74, 19],
[-9, 490],
[-83, 5]
[95336, 23105],
[-232, -159],
[-36, -337],
[-289, -340],
[-94, -273],
[-24, -533],
[-45, -55],
[-155, -812],
[-357, -2014],
[-279, -1518],
[-390, -2000]
[93435, 15064],
[106, -102],
[-19, -103],
[161, 66],
[69, 236],
[72, 26],
[25, -300],
[-22, -239],
[-56, -114],
[90, -153],
[88, 109],
[121, -29],
[-57, -208],
[-129, -118],
[-23, -98],
[62, -393],
[103, -289],
[215, -367],
[-86, -199],
[78, -262],
[102, -201],
[-3, -209],
[-127, -19],
[30, -139],
[-64, -64],
[37, -148],
[-54, -24],
[60, -356],
[-109, -124],
[22, -308],
[44, -151],
[-22, -115],
[72, -143],
[47, -222],
[55, -55],
[-79, -1065],
[670, -3350],
[232, 26],
[52, -40],
[67, 478],
[52, 185],
[245, 141],
[229, -362],
[85, -25],
[85, -134],
[4, -114],
[84, -76],
[211, -78],
[-38, -198],
[51, -92],
[287, -11],
[45, 94],
[334, 223],
[169, 285],
[151, 59],
[307, 1702],
[219, 1163],
[221, 1226],
[62, 68],
[-57, 166],
[111, 182],
[-56, 110],
[80, 460],
[134, -9],
[3, -69],
[140, 190],
[236, -19],
[64, -97],
[116, 336],
[-121, 120],
[87, 211],
[87, 84],
[27, 197],
[-44, 253],
[112, 164],
[97, 217],
[120, 74],
[49, -111],
[-16, -155],
[117, 33],
[100, -43],
[163, 283],
[162, 408],
[103, 76],
[71, 368],
[-202, 774],
[-115, 150],
[-106, -280],
[-129, 172],
[96, 148],
[-39, 172],
[-65, -11],
[-41, 220],
[-129, 50],
[30, 103],
[112, 77],
[-86, 245],
[-98, -108],
[-66, -161],
[-106, 210],
[-70, -167],
[-5, 217],
[-40, 69],
[-4, 256],
[-96, 7],
[-82, 216],
[-46, -67],
[-14, 323],
[-100, -58],
[-28, -136],
[-110, 98],
[50, 203],
[-46, 269],
[74, 74],
[-182, 149],
[-145, -34],
[-144, -295],
[16, -110],
[104, -144],
[-56, -122],
[-37, 147],
[-46, -141],
[-180, 271],
[57, 128],
[-9, 155],
[109, 174],
[10, 148],
[-84, 309],
[5, 141],
[91, 145],
[10, 231],
[-79, 75],
[-65, -257],
[-15, -196],
[-117, -94],
[-59, -192],
[57, -203],
[-130, -74],
[-39, -101],
[-89, 115],
[-52, -360],
[34, -170],
[-68, -183],
[-68, 327],
[-81, -73],
[-98, 173],
[121, 218],
[10, 161],
[-57, 107],
[-17, 252],
[17, 239],
[-32, 42],
[33, 302],
[92, -20],
[-59, 124],
[76, 128],
[-21, 170],
[-153, 63],
[-30, 263],
[-83, 44],
[18, 189],
[-55, 59],
[-9, -300],
[-56, -24],
[-65, 179],
[-7, -219],
[-90, 74],
[29, 165],
[-67, 161],
[-4, 172],
[-90, -131],
[12, 155],
[-63, 141],
[-84, -49],
[22, 217],
[-89, -140],
[-38, 342],
[-132, 220],
[-66, -251],
[-92, 26],
[-72, 313],
[-76, -2],
[-48, 213],
[-92, 7],
[-55, 218],
[55, 246],
[-32, 123],
[-84, -58],
[-118, 189],
[-17, 141],
[70, 194],
[-72, 232],
[34, 96],
[-171, 178],
[-39, 367],
[44, 88],
[-21, 358],
[-41, 275],
[-42, 61]
[97059, 29277],
[86, 40],
[166, -94],
[91, -102],
[34, -256],
[148, 288],
[-63, 194],
[-169, 63],
[-249, -65],
[-44, -68]
[96137, 29538],
[104, -48],
[63, -339],
[126, -264],
[72, 19],
[57, 186],
[119, 62],
[34, -154],
[43, 270],
[-412, 219],
[-82, 201],
[-124, -152]
[91476, 26056],
[1287, -471]
[92763, 25585],
[762, -279],
[1095, -426],
[50, -205],
[103, -27],
[-37, -194],
[66, -153],
[117, 7],
[21, -220],
[147, -172],
[139, 33],
[42, -65]
[95268, 23884],
[166, 635],
[165, 84],
[48, -167],
[96, 71],
[-47, 334],
[-46, -28],
[-202, 266],
[-73, 54],
[62, 78],
[-48, 256],
[-73, 69],
[-48, 201],
[93, 186],
[-84, 49],
[41, 238],
[84, 9],
[15, -132],
[79, -64],
[74, 128],
[139, 12],
[101, 117],
[36, 139],
[165, 243],
[2, 304],
[-68, 51],
[107, 137],
[193, 33],
[86, 243],
[0, 171],
[144, 150],
[167, 12],
[137, -47],
[63, 51],
[89, -194],
[240, -257],
[21, -94],
[-116, -427],
[-58, 136],
[-51, -309],
[-57, -162],
[-102, -68],
[-59, 119],
[-96, -52],
[78, -111],
[233, 56],
[170, 282],
[165, 481],
[84, 430],
[-3, 287],
[-32, 216],
[-17, -326],
[-73, -38],
[-266, 234],
[-77, 104],
[-152, 41],
[-140, 190],
[-58, 240],
[-216, 156],
[-197, 459],
[-232, 256],
[20, -97],
[184, -204],
[181, -414],
[4, -160],
[-90, -352],
[47, -90],
[-171, -68],
[29, 189],
[-63, -8],
[15, 204],
[-78, -23],
[17, 118],
[-162, 97],
[-3, 418],
[-129, 140],
[-129, 49]
[95592, 29215],
[-113, -592],
[-111, -14]
[95368, 28609],
[-67, -111]
[95301, 28498],
[-83, -129],
[-122, -56],
[-86, -431],
[-65, 50],
[-72, -467],
[-660, 339]
[94213, 27804],
[-11, -57],
[-1533, 618],
[0, 132],
[-77, 54],
[-16, -148],
[-313, 124],
[-772, 279]
[91491, 28806],
[-53, -123],
[38, -2627]
[52912, 9721],
[1223, 21],
[1539, 2],
[319, -5],
[-7, -1454],
[141, 115],
[157, -61],
[145, 165],
[44, 112],
[82, 653],
[34, 78],
[106, 812],
[-26, 198],
[18, 202],
[76, 138],
[154, 141],
[149, 26],
[33, -62],
[226, 39],
[62, 185],
[325, 13],
[244, 43],
[61, 221],
[19, 205],
[223, -14],
[264, -119],
[2, -175],
[161, -82],
[11, -58],
[208, -70],
[45, 70],
[289, -16],
[390, 297],
[138, -22],
[1, 165],
[-92, 22],
[-18, 122],
[86, 95],
[222, -56],
[80, 172],
[-16, 187],
[162, 488],
[147, -115],
[-61, -255],
[63, -150],
[84, 30],
[226, -67],
[86, 137],
[-5, 212],
[76, 118],
[97, -25],
[46, 112],
[225, 13],
[-11, 109],
[134, 269],
[120, -52],
[-5, 245],
[116, -102],
[91, 67],
[86, -86],
[180, -71],
[162, -261],
[233, -287],
[134, -112],
[70, 17],
[14, 191],
[90, 93],
[-28, 88],
[58, 151],
[180, -37],
[86, -85],
[42, 101],
[636, -124],
[167, 84],
[93, 257],
[150, 92],
[73, -119],
[105, -43],
[75, 57],
[183, 18],
[135, -87],
[-142, 201],
[-161, 113],
[-137, 205],
[-192, 132],
[-72, 128],
[-407, 263],
[-123, 113],
[-157, 72],
[-146, 123],
[-291, 327],
[-193, 275],
[-224, 370],
[-212, 394],
[-25, 102],
[-243, 528],
[-174, 323],
[-143, 148],
[-134, 298],
[-57, 39],
[-150, 284],
[-114, 115],
[-312, 472],
[128, 301]
[60864, 18223],
[-118, -155],
[-150, 131],
[-15, 240],
[-139, -22],
[49, 2243],
[-52, 35],
[-30, 190],
[-134, -8],
[-53, 188],
[-78, -38],
[-42, 125],
[-137, 80],
[-102, 153],
[-86, 264],
[-24, 242],
[-129, 186],
[-23, 301],
[11, 243],
[173, 17],
[198, 424],
[8, 213],
[-71, 242],
[-91, 180],
[-6, 386],
[42, 311],
[-71, 113],
[46, 193],
[29, 348],
[-35, 173],
[19, 197],
[-61, 347],
[115, 124],
[275, 419],
[34, 131],
[322, 24],
[55, 70],
[55, 228],
[111, 143],
[260, 124],
[210, 245],
[92, 495],
[97, 141],
[175, 154],
[214, 341],
[244, 98],
[254, 554],
[72, 272],
[-32, 252],
[10, 362],
[62, 117],
[-14, 134],
[47, 182]
[62450, 30375],
[-839, 69],
[-1825, 125],
[-1493, 72],
[-1805, 50],
[-1333, 18],
[-1150, -4]
[54005, 30705],
[16, -4613],
[4, -2277],
[-56, -226],
[-201, -197],
[-104, -15],
[-74, -174],
[-44, -222],
[-151, -351],
[40, -174],
[284, -359],
[109, -279],
[32, -439]
[53860, 21379],
[-15, -392],
[31, -176],
[-62, -519],
[-5, -421],
[-104, -173],
[-103, -396],
[-13, -332],
[-81, -380],
[31, -236],
[-31, -351],
[38, -289],
[-65, -274],
[-1, -718],
[-22, -172],
[5, -512],
[-38, -298],
[20, -664],
[-191, -825],
[-54, -434],
[-65, -167],
[-16, -333],
[-44, -78],
[-63, -368],
[48, -420],
[-44, -305],
[25, -378],
[-27, -350],
[68, -302],
[16, -208],
[-55, -153],
[-56, -475],
[-91, -438],
[16, -121]
[89327, 39227],
[55, -243]
[89382, 38984],
[46, -332],
[56, -164]
[89484, 38488],
[117, -230],
[99, -39],
[183, -201],
[-3, -299],
[273, -539],
[107, -95],
[46, -194],
[69, -4],
[79, -188],
[-108, -175],
[-135, -86],
[-65, -152],
[-139, -115],
[-71, -207],
[-159, -14],
[-43, -138],
[-40, -328],
[-64, -77],
[-155, 34],
[-76, -434],
[14, -349],
[60, -4],
[83, -427],
[-179, -316],
[-5, -77],
[147, -249],
[67, -205],
[-29, -80],
[127, -335],
[41, -463],
[86, -240],
[89, -79]
[89900, 32183],
[731, 443],
[723, 388],
[31, 4],
[-1, 426],
[-90, 825]
[91294, 34269],
[-22, 127]
[91272, 34396],
[-201, 199],
[13, 281],
[-43, 239]
[91041, 35115],
[17, 143],
[124, 44],
[91, -99],
[245, 83],
[7, -151],
[86, 556],
[4, 698],
[32, 827],
[44, 568],
[-37, 307],
[-158, 926],
[-125, 488],
[-158, 248],
[-120, 321],
[-104, 535],
[-68, 532],
[-94, 241],
[-110, 89],
[-71, -19],
[-2, -240],
[50, -462],
[-14, -176],
[-141, -69],
[-109, 28],
[-10, -74],
[-141, 57],
[-28, 132],
[-98, -203],
[-210, -106],
[-117, -189],
[-35, 42],
[-159, -181],
[-56, -123],
[-129, -37],
[-35, -304],
[18, -154],
[-86, -78]
[89344, 39315],
[-17, -88]
[90812, 53263],
[126, 18],
[105, 211],
[24, 151],
[-98, 5],
[-5, -151],
[-152, -234]
[90718, 56718],
[28, -212],
[721, -869],
[-18, -831],
[-39, -437],
[-172, -615],
[61, 90],
[147, 522],
[34, 449],
[23, 962],
[-146, 80],
[-260, 282],
[-379, 579]
[80100, 54078],
[536, -89],
[349, -82],
[599, -113],
[233, -77],
[725, -132],
[1372, -389],
[1757, -544],
[2781, -937],
[187, -92],
[1636, -588]
[90275, 51035],
[176, 697],
[141, 454],
[150, 401],
[149, 313],
[332, 797],
[-58, -26],
[-222, -529],
[-74, -129],
[-83, -5],
[-133, -540],
[-160, -466],
[-64, -56],
[8, -135],
[-71, -277],
[-116, -219],
[-162, 12],
[-8, -122],
[-91, 93],
[63, 182],
[120, 119],
[64, -57],
[30, 241],
[333, 861],
[20, 151],
[-144, -162],
[-9, -123],
[-142, -283],
[-79, -12],
[42, 207],
[105, 95],
[-206, -12],
[-249, -309],
[-97, -6],
[160, 273],
[69, 33],
[60, 176],
[-197, 174],
[-200, -171],
[185, 240],
[-38, 60],
[-460, -182],
[170, 188],
[144, 24],
[-36, 78],
[-150, 80],
[-60, 233],
[-88, 105],
[-117, 36],
[-75, -94],
[-110, 16],
[-126, -367],
[-20, -196],
[46, -282],
[-36, -32],
[-60, 279],
[17, 252],
[87, 287],
[110, 256],
[-23, 116],
[59, 95],
[251, -124],
[210, -234],
[82, 137],
[303, -310],
[201, -72],
[101, 104],
[16, 138],
[-54, 285],
[45, 168],
[76, 554],
[54, -62],
[0, -387],
[-45, -493],
[69, -195],
[-43, -45],
[161, -140],
[137, 109],
[157, 433],
[-3, 160],
[82, 274],
[-39, 100],
[43, 167],
[-58, 205],
[-208, 101],
[-131, 434],
[-21, 271],
[-66, 38],
[6, 132],
[-110, 207],
[-173, -22],
[-185, 80],
[-268, -2],
[-115, -114],
[-126, -342],
[192, -79],
[18, -159],
[-167, 144],
[-81, -9],
[-48, 128],
[81, 166],
[72, 265],
[-248, -70],
[-84, 62],
[-139, -65],
[-208, -29],
[-165, -106],
[7, 94],
[130, 163],
[134, -31],
[443, 191],
[301, -13],
[85, 209],
[-84, 402],
[8, 169],
[-70, 242],
[-311, 517],
[-366, -251],
[35, 207],
[171, 127],
[249, 59],
[196, -340],
[227, -151],
[21, -256],
[75, 22],
[44, 206],
[65, 81],
[115, -25],
[-87, -220],
[149, 61],
[49, 241],
[-93, 301],
[-106, 80],
[-109, 506],
[-13, 244],
[-117, -25],
[-25, -262],
[-76, -39],
[40, 263],
[-99, 60],
[293, 114],
[138, -548],
[123, -368],
[129, -301],
[221, -670],
[68, 41],
[-147, 333],
[-349, 927],
[-135, 531],
[-41, 304],
[-50, -207],
[-249, -99],
[-169, 44],
[-450, 298],
[-293, 321],
[-173, 332],
[-223, 328],
[-183, 340],
[-229, 579],
[-113, 469],
[-105, 1016],
[1, 231],
[-87, 8],
[-34, -105],
[-299, -5],
[-368, 167],
[-263, 284]
[86724, 62866],
[-1511, -1858],
[-243, -316],
[-670, -814],
[-351, 101],
[-1669, 418],
[-14, -449],
[-335, -578],
[-169, 291],
[-41, -400],
[-1214, 209],
[-672, 126],
[-335, 47],
[-184, 97],
[-33, -103],
[-61, 201],
[-94, 4],
[-405, 404],
[-81, 136],
[-18, -79],
[-558, 462]
[75885, 61298],
[-8, -920],
[129, -185],
[29, 81],
[182, -53],
[119, -214],
[-41, -202],
[48, -95],
[-34, -119],
[42, -140],
[134, -177],
[40, -169],
[100, -48],
[85, -168],
[510, -137],
[58, -183],
[133, -135],
[49, -115],
[69, 14],
[80, -287],
[97, -35],
[37, -145],
[136, -127],
[159, 23],
[44, -73],
[87, -342],
[-18, -278],
[80, -35],
[63, 91],
[52, -130],
[5, -188],
[235, -312],
[77, 122],
[-8, 244],
[98, 29],
[155, -248],
[74, -330],
[188, -234],
[76, 0],
[37, -110],
[133, -5],
[45, 157],
[168, -97],
[161, -749],
[180, -264],
[153, 53],
[-70, -281],
[56, -238],
[-41, -216],
[32, -250]
[42801, 8880],
[996, 142],
[1716, 212],
[1618, 163],
[1025, 87],
[1347, 97],
[975, 53],
[1364, 57],
[1070, 30]
[53860, 21379],
[-1176, -19],
[-1704, -63],
[-1678, -104],
[-1053, -81],
[-1941, -172],
[-861, -91],
[-1135, -132],
[-1325, -171],
[-754, -107]
[42233, 20439],
[81, -1667],
[182, -3639],
[103, -1962],
[21, -506],
[181, -3785]
[57180, 55736],
[16, 1928]
[57196, 57664],
[63, 768],
[311, 3486],
[-16, 2185],
[-20, 4584]
[57534, 68687],
[-64, 84],
[-123, -237],
[-110, 40],
[-25, -87],
[-94, 17],
[-122, -255],
[-136, 63],
[-131, -178],
[-93, -285],
[-147, -10],
[-153, -278],
[-183, -89],
[-96, 321],
[-229, 47],
[-254, -51],
[-29, -198],
[-281, 181],
[-79, -29],
[6, 140],
[-87, -18],
[-79, 86],
[-169, -185],
[-11, 98],
[-88, -20],
[-56, 101],
[-149, -29],
[-139, 128],
[11, 172],
[-94, 87],
[-105, -87],
[-60, 228],
[-61, 90],
[-147, -344],
[-143, 13],
[-48, -187],
[-85, 6],
[-105, -123],
[83, -146],
[-166, -80],
[-29, 228],
[-131, 97],
[-59, -173],
[-104, 82],
[-60, -81],
[-39, -305],
[-164, -11],
[15, 242],
[-191, 296],
[-19, 311],
[-138, -40],
[-60, -248],
[73, -148],
[-22, -200],
[-57, -93],
[-86, 201],
[-147, -40],
[-69, 204],
[-98, -2],
[-67, -88],
[7, -239],
[-74, -63],
[-94, 81],
[-82, -63],
[14, -153],
[-80, -109],
[-100, -24],
[-54, 149],
[-220, 339],
[-59, 30],
[-215, -191],
[74, -349],
[-47, -67],
[-103, 43],
[-111, -51],
[-53, -307],
[56, -174],
[-60, -96],
[-86, 152],
[-239, -88],
[-116, -91],
[-103, 281],
[-127, 73],
[-162, -340],
[-129, -66],
[-79, 117],
[-123, 26],
[-90, -125],
[-186, -92],
[-130, -162],
[-115, 69],
[-172, -91],
[-94, 14],
[-30, -472],
[-302, -483],
[-36, 302],
[-80, 10],
[-137, -164],
[-114, -16],
[-40, 159],
[-176, -36],
[-102, -162],
[-243, -529],
[-92, -103],
[-101, 65],
[184, -7472],
[-971, -73],
[-958, -83],
[-957, -93],
[-1113, -123],
[-1335, -159]
[42286, 56906],
[84, -1923]
[80162, 33015],
[286, -310],
[257, -381],
[40, -212],
[100, 55],
[187, -296],
[250, -320]
[81282, 31551],
[105, 1028],
[1440, -432],
[450, -151],
[1240, -396],
[1144, -390],
[328, -123],
[934, -316],
[970, -352],
[616, -236],
[159, 178],
[72, 276],
[129, -91],
[173, 175],
[-12, 152],
[93, 50],
[76, 510],
[-38, 55],
[98, 129],
[115, 286],
[114, -27],
[44, 124],
[135, -64],
[46, 66],
[80, -66],
[14, 110],
[93, 137]
[89484, 38488],
[-155, -66],
[-121, 23],
[-145, 124],
[-90, 179],
[-72, 272]
[88901, 39020],
[-741, 273],
[-1263, 453],
[-798, 273],
[-1789, 577],
[-1573, 492]
[82737, 41088],
[-631, 189],
[-1120, 318],
[-334, -3491]
[80652, 38104],
[-490, -5089]
[42034, 24047],
[29, -8],
[63, -1279],
[107, -2321]
[54005, 30705],
[-235, -3],
[7, 255],
[117, 188],
[-8, 290],
[-88, 45],
[31, 284],
[122, 1],
[29, 285],
[48, 113],
[-43, 222],
[-77, 50],
[15, 348],
[-67, 133],
[-6, 282],
[-146, 317],
[3, 240],
[151, 196],
[98, 383],
[-23, 137],
[74, 115]
[54007, 34586],
[-91, 30],
[-49, -126],
[-118, 40],
[-56, -183],
[-119, -217],
[39, -146],
[-65, -81],
[-121, -22],
[-6, -123],
[-164, -116],
[-93, 49],
[-29, -154],
[-243, -49],
[-128, -146],
[-13, -141],
[-142, -87],
[-180, 2],
[-37, 72],
[-267, -51],
[-106, 56],
[-173, -31],
[-87, -76],
[-77, 36],
[-23, 159],
[-103, 179],
[-138, 16],
[-151, -225],
[-207, -213],
[-336, -295],
[-48, -198],
[-851, -41],
[-1377, -85],
[-1237, -95],
[-1756, -158],
[-221, -33],
[-1034, -116],
[-1487, -191],
[-1051, -146]
[41662, 31680],
[103, -2136],
[112, -2227],
[157, -3270]
[57534, 68687],
[49, -29],
[4, 180],
[149, 87],
[36, 120],
[111, -131],
[134, 86],
[78, -154],
[111, 151],
[38, -72],
[111, 66],
[26, 2051]
[58381, 71042],
[47, 3919],
[46, 31],
[81, 245],
[130, 123],
[69, 272],
[101, 180],
[-14, 108],
[53, 228],
[-62, 335],
[42, 169],
[179, 187],
[-43, 138],
[94, 115],
[75, 295],
[-44, 194],
[131, 144],
[43, 362],
[98, -45],
[10, 398],
[60, 224],
[-96, 90],
[83, 234],
[-76, 199],
[30, 242],
[-120, 323],
[-1, 180],
[-116, 213],
[8, 157],
[-90, 102],
[-22, 133],
[51, 79],
[36, 297],
[-114, 210],
[-12, 206],
[102, 145],
[-8, 324],
[66, 260],
[-82, 204],
[57, 130],
[-157, 250],
[-124, 486],
[-130, 181],
[170, 484]
[58932, 83793],
[1, 44],
[-317, 3],
[-256, 140],
[-959, 776],
[-122, 140],
[-70, 179],
[-93, 32],
[23, -123],
[181, -323],
[151, -62],
[53, -154],
[139, 23],
[-101, -177],
[-376, 186],
[-79, -18],
[138, -363],
[28, -266],
[-8, -241],
[-118, -88],
[-114, 97],
[-108, 329],
[-94, 52],
[-88, -160],
[-90, 274],
[60, 105],
[-68, 180],
[72, 165],
[141, 52],
[-40, 178],
[78, 63],
[-3, 479],
[-114, 71],
[-283, 451],
[-116, -58],
[-12, 289],
[40, 86],
[274, -362],
[240, -392],
[106, -79],
[26, -182],
[156, 79],
[-140, 204],
[-431, 510],
[-192, 311],
[-221, 304],
[-279, 470],
[-112, 29],
[-730, 746],
[-521, 413],
[-230, 207],
[-215, 230],
[-172, 227],
[-104, 244],
[-375, 358],
[-318, 424],
[-188, 301],
[-234, 462],
[-84, 280],
[-194, 444],
[-146, 455],
[-171, 640],
[-131, 728],
[-46, 663],
[18, 664],
[35, 341],
[99, 678],
[82, 437],
[109, 751],
[71, 847],
[-48, -155],
[-34, -479],
[-158, -1115],
[-168, -56],
[125, -85],
[-160, -842],
[-21, -347],
[10, -849],
[84, -898],
[119, -588],
[141, -481],
[98, -225],
[73, -282],
[61, -113],
[-17, -156],
[96, -278],
[130, -122],
[276, -692],
[120, -54],
[58, -173],
[110, -5],
[270, -388],
[313, -186],
[-24, -289],
[-254, 247],
[-78, 129],
[-125, 17],
[-50, -353],
[-130, 2],
[-68, 439],
[44, 133],
[-27, 120],
[-268, 378],
[-182, -97],
[-18, -142],
[-232, 195],
[-121, 172],
[151, 119],
[222, -206],
[-2, 268],
[-46, 74],
[-279, 749],
[-76, -8],
[-49, -193],
[-148, 28],
[-31, -60],
[-225, 31],
[-76, -41],
[-45, 124],
[84, 105],
[186, -48],
[-31, 209],
[49, 158],
[226, 177],
[-139, 474],
[-92, 457],
[-9, 145],
[-89, 344],
[-192, 171],
[-76, -62],
[98, -65],
[24, -191],
[-55, -11],
[-192, 284],
[-41, 160],
[171, 57],
[187, -122],
[55, 20],
[-52, 1027],
[-51, 673],
[-25, 10],
[60, 751],
[56, 213],
[5, 275],
[66, 4],
[196, 800],
[-63, 151],
[37, 478],
[39, 70],
[144, 39],
[7, 115],
[89, -57],
[9, 404],
[-265, 7],
[-1, 64],
[-198, 101],
[1, 255],
[-147, -41],
[-7, -83],
[-147, -59],
[-48, -182],
[-73, -16],
[-132, -321],
[-222, -47],
[-85, -109],
[-172, -29],
[-165, 49],
[-123, -60],
[-23, 95],
[-74, -104],
[-143, 65],
[-206, -98],
[-171, -252],
[-2, -109],
[-101, 28],
[-155, -251],
[-64, 33],
[-177, -166],
[-171, 61],
[-168, -345],
[-69, -28],
[-68, -152],
[-135, 43],
[-151, -162],
[-144, -64],
[-87, 58],
[-56, -116],
[42, -190],
[-69, -187],
[-86, -62],
[-8, -306],
[-43, -138],
[-12, -260],
[-61, -84],
[-50, -373],
[-118, -146],
[17, -102],
[-113, -111],
[7, -150],
[-73, -169],
[-62, -26],
[40, -256],
[-17, -229],
[30, -94],
[-25, -282],
[-108, -89],
[7, -121],
[-86, -53],
[68, -80],
[61, -558],
[-95, -56],
[40, -247],
[-83, -195],
[-94, -111],
[-72, 53],
[-57, -130],
[-71, 14],
[-125, -302],
[-206, -271],
[-41, -249],
[7, -183],
[-71, -113],
[15, -153],
[-117, -60],
[-46, -271],
[-68, -81],
[-54, -230],
[-241, -195],
[-161, -371],
[14, -123],
[-111, -336],
[27, -151],
[-56, -136],
[61, -89],
[-98, -61],
[-40, -141],
[29, -123],
[-94, -101],
[4, -125],
[-103, -84],
[-6, -301],
[-47, -91],
[-21, -240],
[-46, -6],
[-53, -293],
[-58, -9],
[-19, -321],
[-62, -480],
[-171, -254],
[20, -82],
[-54, -202],
[-149, -138],
[-18, -110],
[-234, -254],
[-86, -352],
[-176, -86],
[-38, -147],
[-167, -101],
[37, -121],
[-41, -237],
[-53, 218],
[-38, -95],
[3, -229],
[-97, -42],
[-82, -362],
[-113, -103],
[-113, 51],
[-23, -127],
[-59, 80],
[-255, 19],
[-133, -116],
[-144, -63],
[-151, 32],
[-84, -89],
[-149, 80],
[-126, -41],
[-121, -219],
[-88, -1],
[-138, -146],
[-78, 23],
[-103, 381],
[-198, -89],
[-100, 113],
[-49, -44