

  import { LayerCake, Svg, Html } from 'layercake';

  import Line from './_components/Line.svelte';
  import Area from './_components/Area.svelte';
  import AxisX from './_components/AxisX.svelte';
  import AxisY from './_components/AxisY.svelte';
  import Brush from './_components/Brush.html.svelte';

  // This example loads csv data as json using @rollup/plugin-dsv
  import data from './_data/points.csv';

  let brushExtents = [null, null];

  const xKey = 'myX';
  const yKey = 'myY';

  data.forEach(d => {
    d[yKey] = +d[yKey];

  let brushedData;
  $: {
    brushedData = data.slice(
      (brushExtents[0] || 0) * data.length,
      (brushExtents[1] || 1) * data.length
    if (brushedData.length < 2) {
      brushedData = data.slice(brushExtents[0] * data.length, brushExtents[0] * data.length + 2);

<div class="brushed-chart-container">
    padding={{ bottom: 20, left: 25 }}
    yDomain={[0, null]}
        ticks={ticks => {
          const filtered = ticks.filter(t => t % 1 === 0);
          if (filtered.length > 7) {
            return filtered.filter((t, i) => i % 2 === 0);
          return filtered;
      <AxisY ticks={4} />
      <Line stroke="#00e047" />
      <Area fill="#00e04710" />

<div class="brush-container">
  <LayerCake padding={{ top: 5 }} x={xKey} y={yKey} yDomain={[0, null]} {data}>
      <Line stroke="#00e047" />
      <Area fill="#00e04710" />
      <Brush bind:min={brushExtents[0]} bind:max={brushExtents[1]} />

    The wrapper div needs to have an explicit width and height in CSS.
    It can also be a flexbox child or CSS grid element.
    The point being it needs dimensions since the <LayerCake> element will
    expand to fill it.
  .brushed-chart-container {
    width: 100%;
    height: 80%;
  .brush-container {
    width: 100%;
    height: 20%;