Since we want an ordinal y-axis and Layer Cake defaults to a linear scale, pass in a custom scale to yScale
with a few formatting options. Set the x-scale to always start at 0
so you don't show misleading differences between groups.
- +page.svelte
- ./_components/Bar.svelte
- ./_components/AxisX.svelte
- ./_components/AxisY.svelte
- ./_data/groups.csv
import { LayerCake, Svg } from 'layercake';
import { scaleBand } from 'd3-scale';
import Bar from './_components/Bar.svelte';
import AxisX from './_components/AxisX.svelte';
import AxisY from './_components/AxisY.svelte';
// This example loads csv data as json using @rollup/plugin-dsv
import data from './_data/groups.csv';
const xKey = 'value';
const yKey = 'year';
data.forEach(d => {
d[xKey] = +d[xKey];
<div class="chart-container">
padding={{ bottom: 20, left: 35 }}
xDomain={[0, null]}
<AxisX tickMarks baseline snapLabels />
<AxisY tickMarks gridlines={false} />
<Bar />
The wrapper div needs to have an explicit width and height in CSS.
It can also be a flexbox child or CSS grid element.
The point being it needs dimensions since the <LayerCake> element will
expand to fill it.
.chart-container {
width: 100%;
height: 250px;
Generates an SVG bar chart.
import { getContext } from 'svelte';
const { data, xGet, yGet, xScale, yScale } = getContext('LayerCake');
/** @type {String} [fill='#00bbff'] - The shape's fill color. This is technically optional because it comes with a default value but you'll likely want to replace it with your own color. */
export let fill = '#00bbff';
<g class="bar-group">
{#each $data as d, i}
Generates an SVG x-axis. This component is also configured to detect if your x-scale is an ordinal scale. If so, it will place the markers in the middle of the bandwidth.
import { getContext } from 'svelte';
const { width, height, xScale, yRange } = getContext('LayerCake');
/** @type {boolean} [tickMarks=false] - Show a vertical mark for each tick. */
export let tickMarks = false;
/** @type {boolean} [gridlines=true] - Show gridlines extending into the chart area. */
export let gridlines = true;
/** @type {Number} [tickMarkLength=6] - The length of the tick mark. */
export let tickMarkLength = 6;
/** @type {boolean} [baseline=false] - Show a solid line at the bottom. */
export let baseline = false;
/** @type {boolean} [snapLabels=false] - Instead of centering the text labels on the first and the last items, align them to the edges of the chart. */
export let snapLabels = false;
/** @type {(d: any) => string} [format=d => d] - A function that passes the current tick value and expects a nicely formatted value in return. */
export let format = d => d;
/** @type {Number|Array<any>|Function|undefined} [ticks] - If this is a number, it passes that along to the [d3Scale.ticks]( function. If this is an array, hardcodes the ticks to those values. If it's a function, passes along the default tick values and expects an array of tick values in return. If nothing, it uses the default ticks supplied by the D3 function. */
export let ticks = undefined;
/** @type {Number} [tickGutter=0] - The amount of whitespace between the start of the tick and the chart drawing area (the yRange min). */
export let tickGutter = 0;
/** @type {Number} [dx=0] - Any optional value passed to the `dx` attribute on the text label. */
export let dx = 0;
/** @type {Number} [dy=12] - Any optional value passed to the `dy` attribute on the text label. */
export let dy = 12;
/**@param {Number} i
* @param {boolean} sl */
function textAnchor(i, sl) {
if (sl === true) {
if (i === 0) {
return 'start';
if (i === tickVals.length - 1) {
return 'end';
return 'middle';
$: tickLen = tickMarks === true ? (tickMarkLength ?? 6) : 0;
$: isBandwidth = typeof $xScale.bandwidth === 'function';
/** @type {Array<any>} */
$: tickVals = Array.isArray(ticks)
? ticks
: isBandwidth
? $xScale.domain()
: typeof ticks === 'function'
? ticks($xScale.ticks())
: $xScale.ticks(ticks);
$: halfBand = isBandwidth ? $xScale.bandwidth() / 2 : 0;
<g class="axis x-axis" class:snapLabels>
{#each tickVals as tick, i (tick)}
{#if baseline === true}
<line class="baseline" y1={$height} y2={$height} x1="0" x2={$width} />
<g class="tick tick-{i}" transform="translate({$xScale(tick)},{Math.max(...$yRange)})">
{#if gridlines === true}
<line class="gridline" x1={halfBand} x2={halfBand} y1={-$height} y2="0" />
{#if tickMarks === true}
y2={tickGutter + tickLen}
<text x={halfBand} y={tickGutter + tickLen} {dx} {dy} text-anchor={textAnchor(i, snapLabels)}
.tick {
font-size: 11px;
.tick line {
stroke: #aaa;
stroke-dasharray: 2;
.tick text {
fill: #666;
.tick .tick-mark,
.baseline {
stroke-dasharray: 0;
/* This looks slightly better */
.axis.snapLabels .tick:last-child text {
transform: translateX(3px);
.axis.snapLabels .tick.tick-0 text {
transform: translateX(-3px);
Generates an SVG y-axis. This component is also configured to detect if your y-scale is an ordinal scale. If so, it will place the tickMarks in the middle of the bandwidth.
import { getContext } from 'svelte';
const { xRange, yScale, width } = getContext('LayerCake');
/** @type {boolean} [tickMarks=false] - Show marks next to the tick label. */
export let tickMarks = false;
/** @type {String} [labelPosition='even'] - Whether the label sits even with its value ('even') or sits on top ('above') the tick mark. Default is 'even'. */
export let labelPosition = 'even';
/** @type {boolean} [snapBaselineLabel=false] - When labelPosition='even', adjust the lowest label so that it sits above the tick mark. */
export let snapBaselineLabel = false;
/** @type {boolean} [gridlines=true] - Show gridlines extending into the chart area. */
export let gridlines = true;
/** @type {Number|undefined} [tickMarkLength=undefined] - The length of the tick mark. If not set, becomes the length of the widest tick. */
export let tickMarkLength = undefined;
/** @type {(d: any) => string} [format=d => d] - A function that passes the current tick value and expects a nicely formatted value in return. */
export let format = d => d;
/** @type {Number|Array<any>|Function} [ticks=4] - If this is a number, it passes that along to the [d3Scale.ticks]( function. If this is an array, hardcodes the ticks to those values. If it's a function, passes along the default tick values and expects an array of tick values in return. */
export let ticks = 4;
/** @type {Number} [tickGutter=0] - The amount of whitespace between the start of the tick and the chart drawing area (the xRange min). */
export let tickGutter = 0;
/** @type {Number} [dx=0] - Any optional value passed to the `dx` attribute on the text label. */
export let dx = 0;
/** @type {Number} [dy=0] - Any optional value passed to the `dy` attribute on the text label. */
export let dy = 0;
/** @type {Number} [charPixelWidth=7.25] - Used to calculate the widest label length to offset labels. Adjust if the automatic tick length doesn't look right because you have a bigger font (or just set `tickMarkLength` to a pixel value). */
export let charPixelWidth = 7.25;
$: isBandwidth = typeof $yScale.bandwidth === 'function';
/** @type {Array<any>} */
$: tickVals = Array.isArray(ticks)
? ticks
: isBandwidth
? $yScale.domain()
: typeof ticks === 'function'
? ticks($yScale.ticks())
: $yScale.ticks(ticks);
/** @param {Number} sum
* @param {String} val */
function calcStringLength(sum, val) {
if (val === ',' || val === '.') return sum + charPixelWidth * 0.5;
return sum + charPixelWidth;
$: tickLen =
tickMarks === true
? labelPosition === 'above'
? (tickMarkLength ?? widestTickLen)
: (tickMarkLength ?? 6)
: 0;
$: widestTickLen = Math.max(
Math.max( => format(d).toString().split('').reduce(calcStringLength, 0)))
$: x1 = -tickGutter - (labelPosition === 'above' ? widestTickLen : tickLen);
$: y = isBandwidth ? $yScale.bandwidth() / 2 : 0;
$: maxTickValPx = Math.max($yScale));
<g class="axis y-axis">
{#each tickVals as tick (tick)}
{@const tickValPx = $yScale(tick)}
<g class="tick tick-{tick}" transform="translate({$xRange[0]}, {tickValPx})">
{#if gridlines === true}
<line class="gridline" {x1} x2={$width} y1={y} y2={y}></line>
{#if tickMarks === true}
<line class="tick-mark" {x1} x2={x1 + tickLen} y1={y} y2={y}></line>
dx={dx + (labelPosition === 'even' ? -3 : 0)}
text-anchor={labelPosition === 'above' ? 'start' : 'end'}
dy={dy +
(labelPosition === 'above' || (snapBaselineLabel === true && tickValPx === maxTickValPx)
? -3
: 4)}>{format(tick)}</text
.tick {
font-size: 11px;
.tick line {
stroke: #aaa;
.tick .gridline {
stroke-dasharray: 2;
.tick text {
fill: #666;
.tick.tick-0 line {
stroke-dasharray: 0;
year,value 1979,2 1980,3 1981,5 1982,8 1983,18