
Scatter.svg.svelte component

Generates an SVG scatter plot. This component can also work if the x- or y-scale is ordinal, i.e. it has a .bandwidth method. See the timeplot chart for an example.

Param Default Required Description
r Number 5
The circle's radius.
fill String '#0cf'
The circle's fill color.
stroke String '#000'
The circle's stroke color.
strokeWidth Number 0
The circle's stroke width.

Used in these examples:

  Generates an SVG scatter plot. This component can also work if the x- or y-scale is ordinal, i.e. it has a `.bandwidth` method. See the [timeplot chart]( for an example.
  import { getContext } from 'svelte';

  const { data, xGet, yGet, xScale, yScale } = getContext('LayerCake');

  /** @type {Number} [r=5] – The circle's radius. */
  export let r = 5;

  /** @type {String} [fill='#0cf'] – The circle's fill color. */
  export let fill = '#0cf';

  /** @type {String} [stroke='#000'] – The circle's stroke color. */
  export let stroke = '#000';

  /** @type {Number} [strokeWidth=0] – The circle's stroke width. */
  export let strokeWidth = 0;

<g class="scatter-group">
  {#each $data as d}
      cx={$xGet(d) + ($xScale.bandwidth ? $xScale.bandwidth() / 2 : 0)}
      cy={$yGet(d) + ($yScale.bandwidth ? $yScale.bandwidth() / 2 : 0)}