
Scatter.canvas.svelte component

Generates a canvas scatter plot.

Param Default Required Description
r Number 5
The circle's radius.
fill String '#0cf'
The circle's fill color.
stroke String '#000'
The circle's stroke color.
strokeWidth Number 1
The circle's stroke width.

Used in these examples:

  Generates a canvas scatter plot.
  import { getContext } from 'svelte';
  import { scaleCanvas } from 'layercake';

  const { data, xGet, yGet, width, height } = getContext('LayerCake');

  const { ctx } = getContext('canvas');

  /** @type {Number} [r=5] - The circle's radius. */
  export let r = 5;

  /** @type {String} [fill='#0cf'] - The circle's fill color. */
  export let fill = '#0cf';

  /** @type {String} [stroke='#000'] - The circle's stroke color. */
  export let stroke = '#000';

  /** @type {Number} [strokeWidth=1] - The circle's stroke width. */
  export let strokeWidth = 1;

  $: {
    if ($ctx) {
      /* --------------------------------------------
       * If you were to have multiple canvas layers
       * maybe for some artistic layering purposes
       * put these reset functions in the first layer, not each one
       * since they should only run once per update
      scaleCanvas($ctx, $width, $height);
      $ctx.clearRect(0, 0, $width, $height);

      /* --------------------------------------------
       * Draw our scatterplot
      $data.forEach(d => {
        $ctx.arc($xGet(d), $yGet(d), r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
        $ctx.lineWidth = strokeWidth;
        $ctx.strokeStyle = stroke;
        $ctx.fillStyle = fill;