
Radar.svelte component

Generates an SVG radar chart.

Param Default Required Description
fill String '#f0c'
The radar's fill color. This is technically optional because it comes with a default value but you'll likely want to replace it with your own color.
stroke String '#f0c'
The radar's stroke color. This is technically optional because it comes with a default value but you'll likely want to replace it with your own color.
stroke Number 2
The radar's stroke color.
fillOpacity Number 0.5
The radar's fill opacity.
r Number 4.5
Each circle's radius.
circleFill String "#f0c"
Each circle's fill color. This is technically optional because it comes with a default value but you'll likely want to replace it with your own color.
circleStroke String "#fff"
Each circle's stroke color. This is technically optional because it comes with a default value but you'll likely want to replace it with your own color.
circleStrokeWidth Number 1
Each circle's stroke width.

Used in these examples:

  Generates an SVG radar chart.
  import { getContext } from 'svelte';
  import { line, curveCardinalClosed } from 'd3-shape';

  const { data, width, height, xGet, config } = getContext('LayerCake');

  /**  @type {String} [fill='#f0c'] The radar's fill color. This is technically optional because it comes with a default value but you'll likely want to replace it with your own color. */
  export let fill = '#f0c'

  /**  @type {String} [stroke='#f0c'] The radar's stroke color. This is technically optional because it comes with a default value but you'll likely want to replace it with your own color. */
  export let stroke = '#f0c'

  /**  @type {Number} [stroke=2] The radar's stroke color. */
  export let strokeWidth = 2

  /**  @type {Number} [fillOpacity=0.5] The radar's fill opacity. */
  export let fillOpacity = 0.5

  /**  @type {Number} [r=4.5] Each circle's radius. */
  export let r = 4.5;

  /**  @type {String} [circleFill="#f0c"] Each circle's fill color. This is technically optional because it comes with a default value but you'll likely want to replace it with your own color. */
  export let circleFill = "#f0c";

  /**  @type {String} [circleStroke="#fff"] Each circle's stroke color. This is technically optional because it comes with a default value but you'll likely want to replace it with your own color. */
  export let circleStroke = "#fff";

  /**  @type {Number} [circleStrokeWidth=1] Each circle's stroke width. */
  export let circleStrokeWidth = 1;

  $: angleSlice = (Math.PI * 2) / $config.x.length;

  $: path = line()
    .x((d, i) => d * Math.cos(angleSlice * i - Math.PI / 2))
    .y((d, i) => d * Math.sin(angleSlice * i - Math.PI / 2));

  /* The non-D3 line generator way. */
  // $: path = valus => 'M' + values
  //   .map(d => {
  //     return $rGet(d).map((val, i) => {
  //       return [
  //         val * Math.cos(angleSlice * i - Math.PI / 2),
  //         val * Math.sin(angleSlice * i - Math.PI / 2)
  //       ].join(',');
  //     });
  //   })
  //   .join('L') + 'z';

  transform="translate({ $width / 2 }, { $height / 2 })"
  {#each $data as row}
    {@const xVals = $xGet(row)}
    <!-- Draw a line connecting all the dots -->

    <!-- Plot each dots -->
    {#each xVals as circleR, i}
      {@const thisAngleSlice = angleSlice * i - Math.PI / 2}
        cx={circleR * Math.cos(thisAngleSlice)}
        cy={circleR * Math.sin(thisAngleSlice)}

  .path-line {
    stroke-linejoin: round;
    stroke-linecap: round;