
MapPoints.html.svelte component

Generates canvas dots onto a map using d3-geo.

Param Default Required Description
projection Function None
A D3 projection function. Pass this in as an uncalled function, e.g. projection={geoAlbersUsa}.
r Number 3.5
The point's radius.
fill String 'yellow'
The point's fill color.
stroke String '#000'
The point's stroke color.
strokeWidth Number 1
The point's stroke width, in pixels.
opacity Number 1
The point's opacity.
features Array None
A list of GeoJSON features to plot. If unset, the plotted features will defaults to those in $data.features, assuming this field a list of GeoJSON features.
  Generates canvas dots onto a map using [d3-geo](
  import { getContext } from 'svelte';

  const { data, width, height } = getContext('LayerCake');

  /** @type {Function} projection - A D3 projection function. Pass this in as an uncalled function, e.g. `projection={geoAlbersUsa}`. */
  export let projection;

  /** @type {Number} [r=3.5] - The point's radius. */
  export let r = 3.5;

  /** @type {String} [fill='yellow'] - The point's fill color. */
  export let fill = 'yellow';

  /** @type {String} [stroke='#000'] - The point's stroke color. */
  export let stroke = '#000';

  /** @type {Number} [strokeWidth=1] - The point's stroke width, in pixels. */
  export let strokeWidth = 1;

  /** @type {Number} [opacity=1] - The point's opacity. */
  export let opacity = 1;

  /** @type {Array} [features] - A list of GeoJSON features to plot. If unset, the plotted features will defaults to those in `$data.features`, assuming this field a list of GeoJSON features. */
  export let features = undefined;

  $: projectionFn = projection()
    .fitSize([$width, $height], $data);

<div class="points">
<!-- To scale the circle by size, set width and height to `$rGet(` -->
{#each (features || $data.features) as d}
      top: {projectionFn(d.geometry.coordinates)[1]}px;
      left: {projectionFn(d.geometry.coordinates)[0]}px;
      width: {r * 2}px;
      height: {r * 2}px;
      border-width: {strokeWidth}px;
      border-color: {stroke};
      background-color: {fill};
      opacity: {opacity};

  .point {
    position: absolute;
    border-radius: 50%;
    border-style: solid;