
AxisXTop.svelte component

Generates an SVG top x-axis. This component is also configured to detect if your x-scale is an ordinal scale. If so, it will place the markers in the middle of the bandwidth.

Param Default Required Description
tickMarks Boolean false
Show a vertical mark for each tick.
gridlines Boolean true
Show gridlines extending into the chart area.
tickMarkLength Number 6
The length of the tick mark.
baseline Boolean false
Show a solid line at the bottom.
snapLabels Boolean false
Instead of centering the text labels on the first and the last items, align them to the edges of the chart.
format Function d=>d
A function that passes the current tick value and expects a nicely formatted value in return.
ticks (Number | Array | Function) None
If this is a number, it passes that along to the d3Scale.ticks function. If this is an array, hardcodes the ticks to those values. If it's a function, passes along the default tick values and expects an array of tick values in return. If nothing, it uses the default ticks supplied by the D3 function.
tickGutter Number 0
The amount of whitespace between the start of the tick and the chart drawing area (the xRange min).
dx Number 0
Any optional value passed to the dx attribute on the text label.
dy Number -4
Any optional value passed to the dy attribute on the text label.
  Generates an SVG top x-axis. This component is also configured to detect if your x-scale is an ordinal scale. If so, it will place the markers in the middle of the bandwidth.
  import { getContext } from 'svelte';

  const { width, height, xScale, yRange } = getContext('LayerCake');

  /** @type {Boolean} [tickMarks=false] - Show a vertical mark for each tick. */
  export let tickMarks = false;

  /** @type {Boolean} [gridlines=true] - Show gridlines extending into the chart area. */
  export let gridlines = true;

  /** @type {Number} [tickMarkLength=6] - The length of the tick mark. */
  export let tickMarkLength = 6;

  /** @type {Boolean} [baseline=false] – Show a solid line at the bottom. */
  export let baseline = false;

  /** @type {Boolean} [snapLabels=false] - Instead of centering the text labels on the first and the last items, align them to the edges of the chart. */
  export let snapLabels = false;

  /** @type {Function} [format=d => d] - A function that passes the current tick value and expects a nicely formatted value in return. */
  export let format = d => d;

  /** @type {Number|Array|Function} [ticks] - If this is a number, it passes that along to the [d3Scale.ticks]( function. If this is an array, hardcodes the ticks to those values. If it's a function, passes along the default tick values and expects an array of tick values in return. If nothing, it uses the default ticks supplied by the D3 function. */
  export let ticks = undefined;

  /** @type {Number} [tickGutter=0] - The amount of whitespace between the start of the tick and the chart drawing area (the xRange min). */
  export let tickGutter = 0;

  /** @type {Number} [dx=0] - Any optional value passed to the `dx` attribute on the text label. */
  export let dx = 0;

  /** @type {Number} [dy=-4] - Any optional value passed to the `dy` attribute on the text label. */
  export let dy = -4;

  function textAnchor(i, sl) {
    if (sl === true) {
      if (i === 0) {
        return 'start';
      if (i === tickVals.length - 1) {
        return 'end';
    return 'middle';

  $: tickLen = tickMarks === true
    ? tickMarkLength ?? 6
    : 0;

  $: isBandwidth = typeof $xScale.bandwidth === 'function';

  $: tickVals = Array.isArray(ticks) ? ticks :
    isBandwidth ?
      $xScale.domain() :
      typeof ticks === 'function' ?
        ticks($xScale.ticks()) :

  $: halfBand = isBandwidth ? $xScale.bandwidth() / 2 : 0

<g class="axis x-axis" class:snapLabels>
  {#each tickVals as tick, i (tick)}
    {#if baseline === true}
      <line class="baseline" y1='0' y2='0' x1="0" x2={$width} />

    <g class="tick tick-{i}" transform="translate({$xScale(tick)},{Math.min(...$yRange)})">
      {#if gridlines === true}
      {#if tickMarks === true}
          y2={-tickLen - tickGutter}
        y={-tickGutter - tickLen}
        text-anchor={textAnchor(i, snapLabels)}>{format(tick)}</text

  .tick {
    font-size: 11px;

  .tick line {
    stroke: #aaa;
    stroke-dasharray: 2;

  .tick text {
    fill: #666;

  .tick .tick-mark,
  .baseline {
    stroke-dasharray: 0;
  /* This looks slightly better */
  .axis.snapLabels .tick:last-child text {
    transform: translateX(3px);
  .axis.snapLabels .tick.tick-0 text {
    transform: translateX(-3px);