
Area-D3.svelte component

Generates an SVG area shape using the area function from d3-shape.

Param Default Required Description
fill String '#ab00d610'
The shape's fill color. This is technically optional because it comes with a default value but you'll likely want to replace it with your own color.
curve Function curveLinear
An optional D3 interpolation function. See d3-shape for options. Pass this function in uncalled, i.e. without the open-close parentheses.
  Generates an SVG area shape using the `area` function from [d3-shape](
  import { getContext } from 'svelte';
  import { area, curveLinear } from 'd3-shape';

  const { data, xGet, yGet, yScale } = getContext('LayerCake');

  /** @type {String} [fill='#ab00d610'] - The shape's fill color. This is technically optional because it comes with a default value but you'll likely want to replace it with your own color. */
  export let fill = '#ab00d610';

  /** @type {Function} [curve=curveLinear] - An optional D3 interpolation function. See [d3-shape]( for options. Pass this function in uncalled, i.e. without the open-close parentheses. */
  export let curve = curveLinear;

  $: path = area()
    .y0(d => $yScale(0))
    // .defined($y)

<path class='path-area' d='{path($data)}' {fill}></path>