
Arrows.svelte component

Adds SVG swoopy arrows based on a config object. It attaches arrows to divs, which are created by another component such as Annotations.html.svelte.

Param Default Required Description
annotations Array None
A list of annotation objects. See the Column chart example for the schema and options.
annotationClass String '.layercake-annotation'
The class name of the text annotation divs.
containerClass String '.chart-container'
The class name / CSS selector of the parent element of the <LayerCake> component. This is used to crawl the DOM for the text annotations.

Used in these examples:

SSR Examples:

  Adds SVG swoopy arrows based on a config object. It attaches arrows to divs, which are created by another component such as [Annotations.html.svelte](
  import { getContext, onMount, tick } from 'svelte';
  import { swoopyArrow, getElPosition, parseCssValue } from '../_modules/arrowUtils.js';

  /** @type {Array} annotations - A list of annotation objects. See the [Column]( chart example for the schema and options. */
  export let annotations = [];

  /** @type {String} [annotationClass='.layercake-annotation'] - The class name of the text annotation divs. */
  export let containerClass = '.chart-container';

  /** @type {String} [containerClass='.chart-container'] - The class name / CSS selector of the parent element of the `<LayerCake>` component. This is used to crawl the DOM for the text annotations. */
  export let annotationClass = '.layercake-annotation';

  let container;

  const { width, height, xScale, yScale, x, y } = getContext('LayerCake');

  /* --------------------------------------------
   * Some lookups to convert between x, y / width, height terminology
   * and CSS names
  const lookups = [
    { dimension: 'width', css: 'left', position: 'x' },
    { dimension: 'height', css: 'top', position: 'y' }

  let d = (anno, i, arrow) => '';
  let annotationEls;

  // This searches the DOM for the HTML annotations
  // in the Annotations.svelte componenent and then
  // attaches arrows to those divs
  // Make sure the `.chart-container` and `.layercake-annotation`
  // selectors match what you have in your project
  // otherwise it won't find anything
  onMount(async () => {
    await tick();
    annotationEls = Array.from(

  function setPath (w, h) {
    return (anno, i, arrow) => {
      const el = annotationEls[i];

      /* --------------------------------------------
       * Parse our attachment directives to know where to start the arrowhead
       * measuring a bounding box based on our annotation el
      const arrowSource = getElPosition(el);
      const sourceCoords = arrow.source.anchor.split('-').map((q, j) => {
        const point = q === 'middle' ? arrowSource[lookups[j].css] + (arrowSource[lookups[j].dimension] / 2) : arrowSource[q];
        return point + (parseCssValue(arrow.source[`d${lookups[j].position}`], i, arrowSource.width, arrowSource.height));

      /* --------------------------------------------
       * Default to clockwise
      const clockwise = typeof arrow.clockwise === 'undefined' ? true : arrow.clockwise;

      /* --------------------------------------------
       * Parse where we're drawing to
       * If we're passing in a percentage as a string then we need to convert it to pixel values
       * Otherwise pass it to our xGet and yGet functions
      const targetCoords = [ || $x(, || $y(].map((q, j) => {
        const val = typeof q === 'string' && q.includes('%')
          ? parseCssValue(q, j, w, h)
          : j ? $yScale(q) : $xScale(q);
        return val + ([`d${lookups[j].position}`] || 0);

      /* --------------------------------------------
       * Create arrow path
      return swoopyArrow()
        .angle(Math.PI / 2)
        .x(q => q[0])
        .y(q => q[1])([sourceCoords, targetCoords]);

  $: if (annotationEls && annotationEls.length) d = setPath($width, $height);

<g bind:this={container}>
{#if annotations.length}
  <g class="swoops">
    {#each annotations as anno, i}
      {#if anno.arrows}
        {#each anno.arrows as arrow}
            d='{d(anno, i, arrow)}'></path>

  .swoops {
    position: absolute;
    max-width: 200px;
    line-height: 14px;
  .swoops path {
    fill: none;
    stroke: #000;
    stroke-width: 1;