
AnnotationsData.html.svelte component

Adds text annotations that get their x and y placement using the xScale and yScale.

Param Default Required Description
annotations Array None
A list of annotation objects.
getText Function d=>d.text
An accessor function to get the field to display.
percentRange Boolean false
If true will set the top and left CSS positions to percentages instead of pixels.

Used in these examples:

SSR Examples:

  Adds text annotations that get their x and y placement using the `xScale` and `yScale`.
  import { getContext } from 'svelte';

  const { xGet, yGet, percentRange } = getContext('LayerCake');

  /** @type {Array} annotations - A list of annotation objects. */
  export let annotations = [];

  /** @type {Function} [getText=d => d.text] - An accessor function to get the field to display. */
  export let getText = d => d.text;

  /** @type {Boolean} [percentRange=false] - If `true` will set the `top` and `left` CSS positions to percentages instead of pixels. */
  export let pr = $percentRange;

  $: units = pr === true ? '%' : 'px';

<div class="layercake-annotations">
  {#each annotations as d, i}
      style:left={`calc(${$xGet(d)}${units} + ${d.dx || 0}px)`}
      style:top={`calc(${$yGet(d)}${units} + ${d.dy || 0}px)`}

  .layercake-annotation {
    position: absolute;